Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Joy at the Hospital

For our school's Day To Serve, I went to Joe Dimaggio Children's Hospital. My mom, my brother, and I bought toys for them first and then headed to the hospital to drop off the toys and some clothes for kids that are residents there. I even met some new friends while we were there. I was so excited. I could tell they...

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Manatee Bay Elementary#RAK day Washington/Allison 5th grade

I went to Holy wood beach and did a beach clean up . I found a lot of nasty stuff. my plan was to get a bag some latex gloves and clean. my goal was important beacause all the animals that live on the beach eat that stuff.

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Manatee Bay Elementary #RAK WASHINGTON/Allison 5th Grade

I went to the Dania Beach in FL to pick trash. I picked up trash with my dad and my brother. I was making the beach clean. I was using the supplies that were 2 plastic bags.

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Manatee Bay Elementary #RAK Washington/ Allison 5th grade

My family and I went to Plantation Florida park and picked up the trash form the park like soda cans, bags and other things i used a trash bag and gloves to pick it up the trash so this was my story for what is did as my random acted of kidness

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Cookies and Games

I went to a senior center and played board games with the residents. I also brought along some home-baked cookies for them. We played Monopoly, Sorry, and other games. The seniors enjoyed the cookies and board games and asked us to come back again.

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Kindness Gives Back

I volunteer at a hospital near me. I am currently 16, and I was assisting an elderly lady to the area she needed to go. On our way there, she asked about me and how I am able to volunteer. We had gotten off to a great start. Once we reached our destination, I saw her appointment wasn't for another...

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Gift of Sound

My son is partially deaf. His boss and coworkers gave him hearing aids for his birthday! What a great gift!

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So Cold!

One morning I was walking to work when I saw an older woman sitting on the ledge of a building. She was shivering and looked absolutely miserable. I took my coat off and gave it to her. I had another coat in the office which was only 1 block away so I knew it wouldn't be a big deal for...

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Helping Hand

One day at gymnastics practice I was trying to learn a new skill and could not quite do it. My friend Kaylynn decided to help me . She started off by teaching me how to do the skill properly. She gave me a couple of tips on how to get it right and then she started spotting me. After several...

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Teaming with people

One day I was playing Fortnite and I landed Loot Lake before I had to play with Zack. So I landed and I got a gun before someone else, but instead of hurting him I teamed with him then his teammate came over and I somehow teamed with as well. Then we were by container and we were knocking and...

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Looking for a house

Once my family and I went looking for a house to move to. I had a wrestling meet that day so we might not be there in time to look at the house. We made it there ten minutes before the open house was over then it was past the time for it to close so then we were...

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Cleaning Helper

One day I noticed that my mom needed help cleaning the house. So I asked if I could help with anything. Of course she said yes, so I asked what I could help her with. She said only to clean my room, but instead of only cleaning my room I cleaned the living room, my mom's room, and my sister's...

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Recovering From Baby Loss

One day my mom's pregnant friend found out that her baby no longer had a heartbeat. As soon as she found out, she called my mom. I was only 7 so I don't remember much, but one thing I do remember is that we went straight to the hospital. My mom wanted to help her get home because her husband...

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Special Foster Dog

When my family was fostering animals, we housed a dog that had just had a leg surgery. Even though the dog had metal things in his leg and a cast, he was always so playful. I would always play with him when he needed it. We would take him to the vet about once a month and I would let him sit on...

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Honesty is Courageous

One day at school I was doing my math and was having trouble. My head was spinning and I was so confused! The math work was due the next day and I thought I would never finish. Just as I was losing hope and getting more and more frustrated with myself, my teacher came over and asked how I was doing. I...

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Kindness starts with one donation

One day a man was thinking, "Maybe I should donate because I'm not poor anymore and because someone donated to me and changed my life?"The man walked along the street for a while until he found someone, the man that he found was curled up with a sign that said "Please donate, I have no food or water and am...

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Working Together

In my fifth grade class, my friend needed help. He needed to finish the math homework on time so we worked together on it. Once we got started he seemed to get the hang of it which made it easier for both of us. After some time we realized we had a problem: we were missing a piece of the...

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Kindness 1 Spoonful At A Time

I've shown kindness to people by working at the local soup kitchen. We make soup for the homeless and others who couldn't afford food. I helped make the soup, but I also played with a kid that was there. It was fun and it made his day.

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Mom & Dad

My mom and Dad always give me random acts of kindness. I mean they brought us into this world, right? That's random. They get me stuff I didn't know I wanted. They have raised me and brought me in. They trust me with almost everything I do. They let me have fun, play games, hang out with my friends, and...

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We had a food drive one time at our school. I had already turned mine in, but my friend didn´t. He was turning it in for all of his siblings and himself, so there was a lot of bags. School was about to start and he just got the bags dropped off at the office. I was in the cafeteria, about...

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Helping the World

One day, I was outside and was feeling generous. So I put on some gloves, grabbed a bag, and began picking up trash. This wasn't helping someone or someone helping me; I was helping the world. This may seem gross to some, but I knew I was helping everyone on earth feel better. And not just that, but also the...

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Fixing My Scrape

One quiet day, I was at Rehoboth Beach with my family and grandparents. It was almost dinnertime so we decided to take a walk/scooter ride around the neighborhood. I was having fun riding my scooter with my sister. She started to tell me to ride the scooter like a skateboard and it looked like it was fun and easy so...

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Running to Beat Cancer

One morning my mom came across a website to sign up for a 5k run to donate to cancer. As soon as my mom heard this idea, she loved it. She told me that she wanted to do it, and so did I. I've been doing it for three years now and every year I do it I get really excited....

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Healing Pains

One day I was at the bowling alley with my friends. We were having a pretty good time playing and eating. Then in the middle of the game my stomach started to hurt, but I ignored it . Later in the game my stomach started to hurt even more so I sat down. My friends noticed it and they asked...

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Collecting for Military

When our class was writing letters to the military, my friend had an idea to send even more to the military. She invited a few of our friends to join her. We used the school announcements to ask people to drop donations off at some of the boxes we spread around our school. Even the sixth grade teacher at our...

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Coaching with Kindness

My coach always shows kindness to me. When I am in a lesson with my coach, he always makes it fun but also makes me work hard. He never yells at me, but pulls me aside and calmly talks to me. When he talks to me, he always tells me how good I am and then also tells me things I...

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Helping an Injured Friend

One day, my friend Jose came into class late with an injured foot. He had crutches and was trying to get his stuff. My class and I were watching the announcements. But, when I saw Jose struggling, I ran over to help him. He asked me if I could get his pencil case for him, so I got it and...

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Community Erupts in Kindness

When I returned home from the hospital after a fall that broke my patella, I found that one of my neighbors had set up an account where all of my neighbors could select a day and time to walk my two Yorkies, Nicky & Gracie. For 8 weeks, 3 times a day, a neighbor walked my dogs when I could...

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Planting for the Monarchs

My current favorite act of kindness is helping the monarch butterflies. Unfortunately, they are at risk of extinction. I help by sharing native milkweed seeds with other people. I also plant milkweed in my own garden. Milkweed is the Monarchs' caterpillar host plant; the only plant they will eat. 

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Hidden Hero

My act of kindness brought about the title 'Hidden Hero,' Here is the story:

HIDDEN HERO by Author, and Jessica's friend,Liz Roy

As a young boy, they called him ‘retarded’. They kicked him, threw him into ditches, shoved wasps down his back, and sexually abused him. Diagnosed an ‘idiot-savant’, he was born with a pure singing voice, but sang in...

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