Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Honoring Candy

My sister, Candy, was less than a year older than me. She was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at age 7. She suffered for years with this merciless disease. At that time, there wasn't a great understanding of the disease and much of the time, treatments of any sort were hit or miss. She was in the hospital for long periods of...

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Changing the Law

I am sharing a story about my father, whose act of kindness cannot be forgotten and was the very basic start of learning. It was a rainy day and my father was driving his car passing on the highway coming home from work. This happened many years ago when I was a kid. The law then was not so strong...

Submitted by Shyamaladeepika
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Who's Your One?

His name is John T. Olson He was a US Marine and lived to be 21 years old. He saved 12 lives. He died 3 years before I was born and because of him I have a really big intimated in the Military. He Motivates me me to help others and even though I never met him I feel like...

Submitted by Nathan
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Who's Your One?

Don & Marybeth porter and the wonderful guy at the gas station for fixing the tire and the tire barn people that stayed late to get a new tire on the van. We are blessed!!

Submitted by Jane
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Who's Your One?

My one is my mum. Very cliche but she really is one of my strongest sources of inspiration and she shapes me as a person to be kinder too. I would be nowhere without her <3 I choose this picture because of her kind and silly spirit, It was taken when we were goofing around whilst waiting for our train.

Submitted by Summer Collier
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Who's Your One?

My son is my One! He challenges me every day to be my best self, to exercise my empathy, my collaboration skills, my trust. Being his mom brings me great joy! It’s the best job I’ve ever had ❤️

Submitted by Jennifer
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Who's Your One?

I have great fortune in my life; I am blessed with a surplus of people who love me and inspire me daily! Today I want to showcase LR (for privacy and security of this person's identity, I am using initials only). Upon launching my very first remote business, LR was my first client in the venture. I am inspired by...

Submitted by Tamara
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Struggling Alongside

I struggle with bipolar disorder and when I’m depressed, I have suicidal thoughts. When things get really bad, my malfunctioning brain tells me that I’m not the wife or mother my family needs and I don’t feel safe being alone. This feeling can weasel itself into my thoughts over the course of a few days, but it is usually a...

Submitted by Katherine Ellenthal
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Who's Your One?

I had to think about this questions for over a week... In my life there were so many people that came by, who ment a lot to me. I believe you always have some sort of angels surrounding you when you need them the most. I wanted to honour all of them. :-) And I do! But MY personal ONE...

Submitted by Mona
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Mom Models Kindness

My one is my mom! Cliché, I know, but true nonetheless. She taught my siblings, me, and everyone in our community to be kind before it was a "thing". She would spend days (and I don't even want to guess how much money) baking and boxing up treat boxes for the seniors in our community and then drove us kids...

Submitted by Breanne Nicholson
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Who's Your One?

This is my mother. Mary Emma, she is the kindest person I know. Her mother taught her well. The golden rule comes first. Do unto others as you would like others to do to you. She has taught me well. Kindness starts with you!

Submitted by Priscilla Sandoval
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Starting with One

My best friend, Morgan, is one person who inspires me to be better. She NEVER GIVES UP and perseveres through anything. Morgan is also a true friend who would do anything for people she cares about (and even people she does not). Lastly, she goes out of her way to demonstrate kindness. That is only part of why she inspires...

Submitted by Cameron
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Who's Your One?

Ellen Degeneras. She inspires me to be kind every day, and I may not the finances to do more of what I 'de like to do, I find a way. I'm now taking care of 3 kittens, with food and shelter from this cold winter. I took in 2 other ones from the same situation. Ide rather go without for...

Submitted by Kris Hummel
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Fighting With a Smile

My brother, Tom, was born with cerebral palsy. He has always had to work 100 times harder than anyone else to get through tasks. He has always needed to accept support from others for care and to look after his needs, but has not once has he EVER complained about this. Eight years ago, he had a massive operation on...

Submitted by Lauren
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Still Winning His Fight at Home

My “one” is my husband, a retired and fully disabled Marine, now suffering from the degenerative effects of combat injury. Most recently, his diagnoses gave way to a new oneL Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disorder at the age of 39. While struggling to absorb this new diagnosis, he has given way to being more present in moments, knowing that he won’t...

Submitted by Megan Murphy
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Changing the Rules

Some people call him Isaac and some people call him inspirational. His sisters call him brother, but for all, he is simply KIND. This photo sums up his attitude in life, and his attitude to me, his Mum. Isaac has a rare medical condition called Hypopituitarism. He is on daily medicine and daily injections, but you would not know it....

Submitted by Kate
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Fundraising for Aleks' Life

Three days after Aleks' beautiful Dorset beach wedding in October 2015, this beautiful lady was diagnosed with breast cancer. We are asking for everyone to donate £3, the price of a takeaway coffee, and then share the link to this page on their Facebook. If friends donated in kind, we would d easily raise much needed funds. Please, please if...

Submitted by Donna Roberts
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Who's Your One?

My one is my Dad. He was raised by a Mother who could not work because she couldn't see well enough. Our family has a disease called's a disease of the retina and is inoperable. In spite of growing up without a decent Father and going dad Clay is the definition of "self made man"!! Blind, cheated on,...

Submitted by April
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Who's Your One?

My one is my one and only child (I've been pregnant 4times). I lost an infant and had 2 miscarriages right after. My daughter Kyla is the only living child I have for a reason. God saw that Kyla needs all of me. I want to be better in every way for her. She's my life

Submitted by April
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Who's Your One?

This is Russ, he is a friend that has become a family member. He makes me mad, listens to me cry, always makes me laugh and has been there time and time again! Russ is the brother I never knew I needed!!

Submitted by Stephanie Schupbach
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Who's Your One?

The pastor of the church I attend, Pastor Kissa Vaughn, challenges the congregation - sermon after sermon - to reach and grow beyond our comfort levels with new challenges all the time. This week she challenged all of us to do one random act of kindness for each of the 40 days of Lent. Imagine the impact that would make...

Submitted by Coleen Crouch
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Teaching Kindness Beautifully

Kate Lapetino is ONEderful!  

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind!” is a motto that represents fourth grade teacher, Kate Lapetino. As her teammates, Laurie Mason (left) and Jessica Anderson (right), we nominate Kate (center) as our "One". Kate is a fantastic, motivated, energetic, kind, teacher at Eugene Field Elementary School in Wheeling, Illinois. She has...

Submitted by Jessica Anderson & Laurie Mason
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Who's Your One?

Instead of just ONE - it's ONE amazing group of women that are getting together and doing good for their community. Wether it's small acts of kindness like donating hats and mitts to local shelters, to big ones like their 1st annual Galentine's Day charity fundraiser where they donated all proceeds to the YWCA Harbour House (a 30-bed crisis unit...

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Who's Your One?

One of the people who have helped me become a better person is my teacher, Ms Williss. Ever since I had her as my teacher, I have changed from being quiet, to being outgoing, from being passive, to being more assertive, and from not wanting to go to school, to going to school every day, ready to learn and...

Submitted by Kayleigh Thorstad
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Influencing the Next Generation

My inspiration is my aunt Peggy. She passed away last fall, but her incredible gift to me lives on. She was an elementary school librarian and mentored countless children who came from very difficult circumstances, including me, through kind words, hugs, and Hershey's kisses. She lived by the mottos "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger" and "don't sweat the small...

Submitted by Michelle Zupan
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Learning to Leave My Mark

My one is my wife, Lisa. She is the most compassionate person I know. She has helped me to center my existence and realize the role we all play in things like Random Acts of Kindness. I was always too wrapped up in my own issues, my own life, and my own troubles. Lisa helped me to realize that letting...

Submitted by Steve
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Who's Your One?

My life partner always acts as fuel when my fire seems to be dimming. He always keeps me motivated and encourage. I never knew how impactful words of encouragement could be until I meet him. My job role is one of which I am look upon to encourage others. His guidance and kind words has help me tremendously with my...

Submitted by Amanda
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Who's Your One?

My "one" happens to be my brother. He has always been there for me, whether it being for advice or simply helping me with tasks.He's been my role model since I was little and has always inspired me to do great. Although we argue at times, I still love him.

Submitted by Jose Bustamante
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Who's Your One?

My one, the one that inspire me to be a better person, to continue trying hard, achieve y goals and and work hard is not only one person. I have three young girls; my sisters. They inspire me to be a better person, and to be a role model for them so that they can continue to be the best...

Submitted by Tania Lizette Venegas
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Who's Your One?

My great grandpa and great grandma are the people who inspires me to be a good person. They're such loving and humble people. They're very honest and i want to grow up to be just like them . My grandma passed away, but she was a strong beautiful female who everyone loved. These two people are the "ones" who make...

Submitted by Esmeralda De Santiago
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