Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

My daughter is so inspiring. She has overcome childhood epilepsy, bullying, and a disease that made her turn blue at times! She is graduating this year with an athletic/academic scholarship and will be studying to become a lawyer. She never let her disabilities keep her down!

Submitted by Melissa Mazzur
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Who's Your One?

Melanie Simpson has been my "one." She has encouraged me throughout my nursing career to be a better nurse, to try to balance work and life, and to always strive for what is right. When I need help she is there, when I flounder she helps to pick me up. Melanie is a mentor, friend, and colleague. My nursing career...

Submitted by Laura Habighorst
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Who's Your One?

"Who is my one? My one(s) are those that respect my gifts, passions and talents. The one(s) that understand and appreciate who I am and where I am going. The one(s) that make the effort to get to know me and don't judge me for who they think I am. The one(s) that know that my journey is mine, that...

Submitted by Susan Gomez
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Who's Your One?

My MOM. "You know you'd make a great teacher, " she told me one day when I was 24 and those words shaped my future. I became a teacher just like her and everyday I step into a classroom she's with me 16 years later. She also inspires me to be the best mom I can to my boys. She's...

Submitted by Shana Riehl
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Blanketed with Love

When my husband died tragically, there were so many who cared for me. One day several months later, Deena Saler brought a beautiful afghan with cream and silver threads. The card inside said, “I prayed for you while I was making this.” Every time I see her face, I think of my afghan, and every time I cover up with my...

Submitted by Debbie Ramsey
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Who's Your One?

My ‘one’ is my 4 year old daughter, Kira. It can be tempting to allow myself to give into old habits, saying I’m too tired or coming up with an excuse to not do something, but whenever I look at my daughters face, I am reminded that the easy choice is not always the best choice. Kindness and taking the...

Submitted by Meghan
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Who's Your One?

My mom has done lots of stuff for me.She has cared for me when i am sick. She has warmed me in the coldes moments .She has given me advice when i most need it. She is the one who gave me life and future. She has inspiered me to be a great person at home and school.

Submitted by Yamileth Manuel
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Who's Your One?

This is my amazing Year 9 Class from last year! These students showed kindness in many ways. They made me feel welcome into their lives, greeted me everyday with smiling faces and often asked how I was feeling. I am so lucky to have such kind people in my job and my life!

Submitted by Angela Green
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Who's Your One?

My mom: when I was little, my mom saw what no one else did. She saw a little 4-year-old interested in a book of the world at the library. So she started to teach me all the countries and capitals in the world. Everything from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to Ottawa, Canada. And everyday since that one day in...

Submitted by Gabe Zunaideh
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Fighting Through Illness

My daughter's life abruptly changed course at the age of 17 when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She was an active young woman who was a goaltender on a high school hockey team and had set records in her junior year. We anticipated nothing but continued greatness as her prowess on the ice progressed. She was actively involved in...

Submitted by holly potter
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Who's Your One?

my one really inspires me because she always wants me to do good in school and and she inspires me to do good

Submitted by khyler
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Who's Your One?

This week and every week my mom is helpful and kind.Also , just a very great mom.she always makes my lunch and i'm so grateful for her.Also she helps me when I can't do something , like finding a toy or with my homework .She buys me stuff like video games and she drives me to school. She also lets...

Submitted by Mason
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Who's Your One?

My one is my teacher because she is nice to who ever comes around her. She also tells us her whole life. for example all of her boyfriends we make up names for the like Jon williss that's why she is my one . I LOVE YOU MS WILLISS. GOOD DAY

Submitted by Anngelenna Pacheco
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Who's Your One?

My mom is super nice and she cares about me. She always teaches me to do the right thing. She always wants me to be clean. She is so nice and beautiful.

Submitted by Sariah
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Who's Your One?

My grandma she the kindness person i know and she helps me though though times . like she helps and my dad when were frustrated ,mad,and sad. she my one.

Submitted by steven
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Who's Your One?

This one is only 2 but has turned my life upside down from the day I found out she existed. I am sure every parent out there feels the same way, but I will share anyway. This little girl is someone I dreamed about since I was 15, she makes me feel like I found my purpose in life and...

Submitted by Rosalina Valenzuela
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Who's Your One?

My friend Luis has inspires me to calm down when i get mad at something so he told me to chose kind and to count to 1, 2,3,4,5 and stay calm.

Submitted by Bryan Alva
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Who's Your One?

The one I chosen was my friend Reese! We been friends sense Pre-K and we have be kind to each other. He was funny,awesome,and always there for me and his other friends.Just because he moved schools doesn't mean that we can't be friends.

Submitted by Oscar Morazan
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Who's Your One?

My grandma is my one because shes the kindness person I know and she helps me though tough times. Like she helps me and my dad when were frustrated,mad,and sad.shes my one.

Submitted by steven
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Who's Your One?

Abraham Lincoln is the person that inspires me because he said that we should treat people the same no matter what the color of our skin is or the race is

Submitted by Vanessa.k.Wasielewaski
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Who's Your One?

I have a really good friend some times I don't understand a book that I'm reading and he helps me to read the word correctly. He makes a lot of kids laugh, he makes funny stuff and jokes. He also likes to help people a lot.

Submitted by Luis Tovar
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Who's Your One?

My friend inspires me because she show me what it felt to have a friend that really care about you, when nobody was there she is the person who has been there for me when I have a hard time. she taught me how to love and to share kindness to everyone she's the kindest person I have ever known.

Submitted by hannah
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Who's Your One?

My mom inspires me by helping me feel better when I get sad about my Aunt Bethany, who has cancer. It is hard now that she has cancer but it is a little easier because my mom knows how I feel so she can help me feel a bit better. She will go out of her way to get my...

Submitted by Hamell
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Who's Your One?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr showed me to be kind by not fighting back when people attack him of when people say bad stuff about him he doesn’t hit them back or say bad things back and he was trying to give black people freedom.

Submitted by Leo Spafford
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Who's Your One?

My mom is the best to me because she gives me what she has and she tries very hard to keep me safe and when i have interrupt people my mom me to be kind because and i know that she is kind because when she has something she tries to give it to the people who don't have the...

Submitted by Zaw Ba
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Who's Your One?

My one is Pope Francis. I'm not a Catholic nor religious, but he embodies kindness, love, seeing the good in others and doing the right thing. He is truly an inspiration.

Submitted by Arden Clise
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Who's Your One?

Countless times, each and every day, this special guy is giving me hugs & kisses and telling me "Mommy I love you!!" He'll be in the middle of playing with his toys and he'll just run over to wherever I am and give me a big squeeze!! The amount of love that just overflows from his heart is unlike anything...

Submitted by Jennifer Sacco
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Who's Your One?

My one inspires me to be kind just by being herself. She always tells me that I matter and she's always looking to make a difference in the world. She tells me that my dream to help people is obtainable and she even offered to help me be able to do so. She is my one and I am hers....

Submitted by A.J. Hall
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Who's Your One?

I am choosing Kelly Clarkson because she is a really good person, which is one reason why she inspires me. She has a great voice, and I like singing, and she is on T.V, and I would love to be too. Another thing I admire about her is originality. She is very beautiful and doesn’t worry about trying to be...

Submitted by Carly
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Who's Your One?

This person is the most kind, most thoughtful, and most caring person you've ever seen. She helps me with my work, teaches me all sorts of things, and cares about me when something bad happens. This person is Ms. Williss. She has the kindest heart you'll ever see.

Submitted by Owen W. Shaw
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