Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

My Parents are my "One" They inspire me every day to do my best, be kind, love others, and have a little fun, just be happy!

Submitted by Renee Theisen
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Natural Kindness

When my dad, Leonard Wills, was home with hospice care the last 6 weeks of his life, he received many cards and had lots of visitors. They all thanked him for his kindness and acceptance. I overheard one say to him, with tears in her voice, "You were always kind to me. You always spoke to me when you saw...

Submitted by Rhonda Wills Dunn
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Who's Your One?

Kaycie is the most amazing, beautiful woman I know. She is selfless, works as a paramedic and treats everyone with respect and dignity. She uplifts me when Im down and believes in me. She makes me laugh and smile. My world is a better place with her in it.

Submitted by Paul Torgerson
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Who's Your One?

The reason I chose this person is because he inspired me to become the best athlete I can possibly be. He also inspired me to get in shape. He told me if I want something in life you have to work to get it. Cantstoptraining is the best basketball training program where we are. Sincerely, WP

Submitted by wallace
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Who's Your One?

How JGS inspires me every day. Whenever a sport has got me down or set me back, there is one person who brings me up. After a strikeout or a missed opportunity, he is there to correct me, and make me better. In the cages or on the court he pushes me to be better player so I thank him....

Submitted by Elliott
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Who's Your One?

My mom is my one. She inspires me. She always goes above and beyond in caring for me and my sisters. I know it's "in the job description", but my mom really cares. She inspires me because she is always thinking of others, from my family to peoples she's never met. My mom got my sisters and I into volunteer...

Submitted by Susanna Snider
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Who's Your One?

I have only known CC for about a year and we haven’t even met face to face. Even though CC wasn’t actually there just her voice was enough to make a bond stronger than Superman. We became friends over social media and then we started to call each other every night. We are constantly talking to each other and talking...

Submitted by Sam Laro
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Who's Your One?

I admire Gayle Morris. She is my Aunt and has worked very hard as a teacher. She has two girls, that are my cousins. She lived in Indiana all of her life until she moved to South Carolina with my Mom. She currently works at a High School in Charleston. I look up to her because she is a very...

Submitted by E Waldeck
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Who's Your One?

My one is Deon. He is my tutor, but he is much more than that to me. He is my friend and my confidant. Not only does he help me with homework, he helps me with personal problems too. We work diligently, but we always have fun while doing so. No matter what Deon will always be my closest friend,...

Submitted by Caleb
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Who's Your One?

For my one I picked my little brother. He teaches my family to not stereotype and judge people by how they look. I said a man was creepy because he had tattoos all over his body, but my brother told me not to judge him. Then the man gave us a warm smile and a wave.

Submitted by Alexis Manos
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Who's Your One?

This is DS. She is one of my best friends and is an amazing human being. She has been through so much and is so strong. I love her so much! She has always been there for me when I needed her and she never fails to make me smile! she is the best friend anyone could ask for!

Submitted by Georgia Dempsey
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Who's Your One?

I admire HA because we have been very close friends since preschool. He is one of the funniest people that I know and that is why we are such great friends. We enjoy the same hobbies such as talking, playing basketball, and hanging out. He has inspired me to be kind to other people like he always is. I am...

Submitted by Neil B
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Who's Your One?

My 'one' is my grandfather. He is the kindest person I know. He is a great role-model because of his personality and his rare accomplishments. He always greets people with the biggest smile, and also cares so much about the people in his life and around him.

Submitted by Gunnar Schachte
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Who's Your One?

The person I have chosen is my dad (pic related) for the person in my life who inspires me to do better. The reason I have picked him is because he has taught me many important things whether it is about fishing, hunting, or how to be a better person in this world. He also has taught me how to...

Submitted by Harris A.
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Who's Your One?

My Dad inspires me to work harder in my studies. He encourages my brother to do the same and never give up. Whenever we are in a bad situation always stays positive. He helps other people when they need help and always lives each day to the fullest. He says to look forward to the next day.

Submitted by Jack H
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Who's Your One?

My grandma has always been an inspiration to me ever since I was a little girl. She’s taught me countless life lessons that I use every day. She is so caring and gentle to everyone she meets. She makes me a better human being by learning and following suit in how she lived her life. I appreciate everything she’s ever...

Submitted by Lizzy Mood
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Who's Your One?

My Dad he has always been supportive me and my dreams. Also, he goes out of his way to make my dreams come true.

Submitted by JMH
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Who's Your One?

This is my mom, Ginny Meeks. She has always been my role model. No matter what she was going through, she was always there for me, encouraging me to be the best version of myself. She has always taught me to recognize right from wrong. Even after she passed away, she is the person that has made me who I...

Submitted by Darden Shuman
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Who's Your One?

Steve Nichols is an amazing person, and even more importantly, an amazing dad. He inspires me to look at each day as something unique, and something to look forward to. Through his eyes, everything is positive. He is very optimistic, likable, and looking out for others. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like him. He loves to be in the...

Submitted by Andrew N.
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Who's Your One?

I admire JH because he is the funniest and nicest person I know. Also, one day when all the lunch tables were full I went to go sit at an open one by myself and JH saw me sitting and eating by myself so he came over and sat next to me and ate with me. I thought that him...

Submitted by Holden T
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Who's Your One?

Mary Moriarty was my 11th grade English teacher, and one of the biggest influences on me, both as a teacher and as a person. She was energetic, creative, humorous, and kind. She knew her subject well, but she also knew her students. She was very compassionate, and when I made mistakes, she was always there to lift me up and...

Submitted by Hal Huser
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Who's Your One?

I admire my volleyball coach because she knows what to say to get the team ready to play a big game. She always does what is best for the team. If you are having a bad day she helps you get back to playing how you normally play. She pushes us and wants us to be the best players we...

Submitted by Hope-Elaine S
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Who's Your One?

Steve Nichols is an amazing person, and even more importantly, an amazing dad. He inspires me to look at each day as something unique, and something to look forward to. Through his eyes, everything is positive. He is very optimistic, likable, and looking out for others. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like him. He loves to be in the...

Submitted by Andrew N.
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Who's Your One?

Wayne McFee has inspired me to be a better person in life, in school, and in sports. He is always respectful and understanding towards many people in his life. He cares for his family, and pushes many people to succeed in what they do. He takes the initiative to help people or bring people up if they are sad, even...

Submitted by Daniel M.
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Who's Your One?

This is my grandfather. He was a physician working with the Coast Guard and almost became an admiral. He taught me so many things, and set an example for who I want to be. He taught me everything I know about science.

Submitted by William J.
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Who's Your One?

My Dad, M. Hochman He has always been supportive of me and my dreams. My dad will also go out of his way to make my dreams come true.

Submitted by JMH
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Who's Your One?

I admire my mom because she is always kind to my sister and me. She shows empathy for us when something goes wrong and tries to help us in any way. When someone is sad or hurt, she always has a way to help them feel better. She has taught my sister and me how to treat other people with...

Submitted by Claire V.
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Who's Your One?

The person that inspires me is my dad. His name is Erik Kreutner and he is the principal of Mason Preparatory School. He inspires me by setting a good example for me and teaching me not to judge or stereotype people among many other things. One very important lesson he taught me was to treat others how you would like...

Submitted by Owen K.
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Who's Your One?

I admire my mom because she is always kind to my sister and me. She shows empathy for us when something goes wrong and tries to help us in any way. When someone is sad or hurt, she always has a way to help them feel better. She has taught my sister and me how to treat other people with...

Submitted by Claire V.
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Who's Your One?

I admire a family friend because she always puts other people before her. She has had many surgeries but asks if people need help while she is in pain. Every Christmas she sends me a gift card and calls my mother for an hour because she thinks of my mother as her daughter and me as one of her many...

Submitted by Claudia B.
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