Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

My special one would be my mom because she inspires me to become a hard-working and independent young woman. She has been through tough times, but she still knows how to keep herself grounded and have a positive mind.

Submitted by Ava Wagner
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Who's Your One?

My mom is a kind soul. She was a nurse and worked very hard helping others. She is an inspiration because of how she leads her life and thinks of other people. I admire my mother and she is a shining example of the person everyone should be.

Submitted by Christine Todd
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Who's Your One?

The 'one' is my grandma. I love her so much. She always is there for me. She supports my ideas, She encourages me to continue school and to turn out someone important in life. She helps me solve situations that I may have. She takes care of me most of the time while my parents are at work. Shes always...

Submitted by Jamelette C.
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Who's Your One?

The "one" that inspires me is Tati because we always help each other out every time were in a situation. Even though since were twins we have our ups and downs we manage to always find a way to make up every time and when need advice or just someone to talk to she is always there. Tati is like...

Submitted by Brooke Stancin
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Who's Your One?

My one is my best friend Cheney Mast. She is my one because she has always been there for when I am going through a hard time and makes me feel valid. She knows that I have really bad depression and always need that one person to make me know that there is always someone who cares. I chose her...

Submitted by Kyra Garling
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Who's Your One?

My "one" is my great grandmother. Ages 3-8 I would constantly be vomiting and my great grandfather and great grandmother would pray every day for me to get off of my medicine. Eventually I didn't have to take it anymore and now I'm 13 years old- going on 14 in April, and I haven't taken my meds since. My grandparents...

Submitted by Sofia Amster
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Who's Your One?

My one is my brother because he cares about everyone and he is so kind and when I am about to quit on something he would inspire me to not give up so quickly and he supports me.

Submitted by Nicolas
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Who's Your One?

My mom does so much for me. Almost everything she does is for me. She will do so much and is the nicest person I've met.

Submitted by Eli
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Who's Your One?

I have several “ones” when I was undergoing cancer treatment, my sister came & stayed with me during & after my surgery & took care of my kids, and she organized a fundraiser for me - many of her friends contributed. Several of my neighbors organized a carpool to drive my kids to afterschool activites, and one brought my famiky...

Submitted by Samantha Longdin
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Who's Your One?

My one is Kamden brown he has inspired me so much because he tells me right from wrong and he is so nice to everyone.

Submitted by nicholas
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Who's Your One?

My one is my grandma. She always takes care of me but one sticks out at me. When I was home sick with flu in elementary school I throw up blood my grandma didn't know what it was (at the time). She took me in her arms and put me in the car and took me to the hospital. She...

Submitted by Augustina
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Who's Your One?

Hi i would like to talk about my two magnific ladies!! Margiana and Fernanda are so friendly, they are our mum at the Sheraton Paris Airport. Every day they give us our uniforms with a big hug and a big smile!!! many thanks to be like you are girls!

Submitted by Malika Le Moteux
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Who's Your One?

My 'one' is my husband. His immense Love for everyone around him, inspires me to be a better person :)

Submitted by Surabhi Paharia
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Who's Your One?

My boyfriend is my one. Everyday he does little kind things for me: makes breakfast for me at 5:00 am eventhough he has a dayoff from work, goes and fills up my car’s gas tank if im too tired and just holds my hand when im going to sleep and he is staying up. The picture above is my all...

Submitted by Essi
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Who's Your One?

My dad: My dad is always positive. He teaches me to take care of my health, my physical appearance. He never talks bad about another person and He is always happy. He is 89 years old and seems to be 70!! He tells me to sing, sing, any time and all the time. So, I sing when I am alone...

Submitted by teresa mezzich
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Sharing in Grief

In 1978, following a miscarriage, I was heartbroken over the loss of my first child. I sang in a Sweet Adeline Chorus in New Jersey. A fellow member, Jeanne Froelich, wrote an empathetic note to me stating that even though she’d had five babies, the miscarriage she had suffered caused her a great deal of pain, noting that it was equal...

Submitted by Patricia Holden
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Who's Your One?

My son has an old soul. He is wise beyond his years, has a deep sense of faith and compassion. His level of empathy for those around him is genuine. He is not perfect, but he understands right from wrong and will take accountability for his errors. He gives me a tremendous amount of hope and I am grateful to...

Submitted by Lisa Cervantez
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Who's Your One?

My “one” is DJ. I met him 3 years ago. He inspires me with his dedication to fitness as a trainer. Even though I don’t train with him he always makes time to answer my questions even when he’s busy. He also run a business where he sells fitness equipment and takes university classes in the evening. His day starts...

Submitted by Rhonda McCallum
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Leading with Encouragement

Mr. Zeb Talley, III, is one amazing guy! This man has many talents in his repertoire, but the one that stands out the most to me is his desire to develop and train others to be greater in their journey in life. Mr. Talley was my supervisor for a few months. The limited amount of time I had under his...

Submitted by Shantea Gentry
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Who's Your One?

I met Brenda via the internet 20+ years ago. When I had a family health crisis, she didn't hesitate to travel nearly 2000 miles to help me. She cleaned, cooked, ran errands, cared for my child, and supported me through the most difficult time in my life. There are no words to express the loving kindness she demonstrated, and continues...

Submitted by Shanna
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Who's Your One?

My little girl has the BIGGEST heart <3 She is loving and kind to ALL. She waves and says, "Hi!" to anyone she passes. She plays with babies and makes them smile. Strangers are just friends she hasn't met yet. I wish I had just a fraction of her positivity & sweetness. I want to be like her when I...

Submitted by Wendy Williams
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Who's Your One?

The old granny under the shelter of my house’s train track made me paused on the last day of 2017. It was drizzling & she was wet . 👵🏽 Her pathetic sight pained my 💓 . I decided to “buy” her 3 tissue packets at a price of $1. But gave her $2 & not taking the tissue packets. Back...

Submitted by Jasmine Liew
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Who's Your One?

My RAK for 13 Feb 2018. . . We are extremely broke right now and I was returning some used goods so I could buy a few needed food items until Jack's pay comes through. . .on my way in to the grocery store there was a homeless woman sitting with a sign asking for handouts, she looked cold (it...

Submitted by Nanci Taylor
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Who's Your One?

My best friend has helped been there for me so long. She has helped me through the hardest times and always cheers me up. I love her so much.

Submitted by Kainat Chaudhry
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Who's Your One?

Mary Odell is my "one". My one is a very special person in my life, she has impacted my past, present and future self in such a positive way, that it is very hard to repay her. She is my business teacher Mrs. Odell. She is kind, compassionate, active and hold you accountable for your work. She motivates you to...

Submitted by Juliana Nacinovich
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Photographing Life's Lessons

This is Cyndi Apsey and she absolutely is my ONE! She has gone through unimaginable loss and grief and yet every day awakens before sunrise to live life, capture life through the lens of her camera, and share her life and love with all of her family, those in her community, and those of us who follow her. She is...

Submitted by Suzanne Nguyen
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Who's Your One?

My friend is a person who inspires me to be a better human being. She is always there for me and always helps me with problems that she has not been through.

Submitted by Kainat Chaudhry
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Living Kindly

Although I’ve never met Miss Brandi Miller in person, she could not have had a more profound effect on my life if she tried! She is a first grade teacher at Caldwell Elementary in Florida. We “met” on Twitter and decided to do a Skype call with our classes (I teach kindergarten). Our friendship blossomed from there and we haven’t...

Submitted by LAURIE McIntosh
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Who's Your One?

Can it be my four? These are my children. Each one encourages me in different areas. They also inspire me to be a positive role model for them. While my husband also encourages me and inspires me, our children are the ones that I see in my mind when I need encouragement, especially on a difficult day. When I went...

Submitted by Abbie Hammond
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Overcoming Obstacles

Thomas Blue is my son and he inspires me every day. Thomas was in a car accident in 2012; he suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and hemiparesis of his left side. As I sit here at the hospital while he undergoes his 15th surgery, I can't help but think about what an awesome person he is. Thomas always has a positive attitude...

Submitted by TAMMY BLUE
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