Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Who's Your One?

My mom is my one because she goes out of her way every morning to get me ready .she gets me stuff that i need . i love her and she loves me too. when i don't fill good she takes me to the doctetr. when i was trying to choose my one i was having a some trouble because...

Submitted by Anngelenna Pacheco
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Who's Your One?

The person who inspires me to be a better person is my best friend Jenna. She is always kind to anyone she sees, everyone likes to be around her, and she is never rude to anyone, ever. She is always helping anyone in need without hesitation. Jenna is also so much fun to be around, she is always smiling, and...

Submitted by Caitlin C.
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Who's Your One?

My one is my dad, he is the best person to talk to. He always has my back and is kind and sweet. He is nice to my family and most important to me. He makes me happy everyday and makes me laugh. He inspires to do my best and to always smile. Also, he inspires me to be happy.

Submitted by Sariah
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Who's Your One?

My mom is my one because she is always a role model for me because ever since the ,month February started to put hearts with words that meant a lot to me like '' You are smart''.She did it just for me for Valentines day.She always is encouraging me to follow my dreams and to try my best and...

Submitted by Nevaeh Cooper
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Who's Your One?

my one is my grandpa because through out my life he always taught me to be positive and to always stick up for people when they need you to and to also to allow people to tell you you cant do anything cause I believe in you and my grandpa always would do things for me and I also remember...

Submitted by cali reeves
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Who's Your One?

My one is my friend Carly because she always has inspired me to do my best no matter how much I want to give up. She believes in me and will always there to cheer me on. Whenever I am with Carly we have so much fun and she always can find a way to make me laugh when I'm...

Submitted by Karissa Delitz
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Who's Your One?

The person I am choosing as my one is my dad because he has my back on anything I do. He has always been with me thru up's and down's. Another reason why I chose my dad is he is a really really generous guy to everyone he meets. He really care's about me. And finally, He encourages me to,...

Submitted by Jeremiah vigil
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Who's Your One?

My one is my niece Ava because she inspires me to be a better person and auntie every day . She makes me laugh each time she is in the same room as me and her smile lights up my world. She always asks to play with me and has the best manners any kid could ever have. Ava always...

Submitted by Karissa Delitz
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Who's Your One?

(didn’t have time to get permission so here’s a picture of his youtube channel) As you probably couldn’t tell by the picture, this is my cousin Evan. Him and I are pretty much best buds, we talk on facetime for as long as we’re allowed to, and we play video games until like 2 AM! I can always turn to...

Submitted by Luke Cozzi
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Who's Your One?

My Parents our the ones who inspire me the most. They always tell me to do my best no matter what, whether it is in dance, cheer, school, or just anything. They encouraged me to never give up, even in tough situations. If I am sad they will know how to cheer me up. If I don’t succeed they will...

Submitted by Serena Genna
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Who's Your One?

The person who inspires me is Isabella D. my friend.She inspires me to try and get better at math and Crocheting. She is good at helping people when they need help or giving good advice. She helps people when they are feeling sad or blue and need cheering up and sings beautifully and after all that she still is...

Submitted by Alexis
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Who's Your One?

My dad inspires me to be better because he helps me when I need help. He is my best friend, he loves me and he is there for me. We spend as much time together as possible and that teaches me to be grateful for what I have. He doesn’t have to say he loves me for me to know....

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Who's Your One?

She is a super awesome, kind, compassionate person with a noble job (working with children with special needs) and a very healthy life. ♥️

Submitted by Daniel Borhanian
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Who's Your One?

My mum, best friend, problem solver, kindess soul. Always thinks about others first. Heart of gold and extremely generous and understanding! Unconditionally she loves us all. Very strong and resilient. Nothing has ever fazed her in life, and she continues to do what she believes - the right thing! Love you mummy xx

Submitted by Nav Mohan
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Who's Your One?

One of the kindest individuals I know is my co-worker and friend, Kelli. She is completely amazing in terms of the support she gives to her friends, family, and/or students. She is always willing to lift someone's spirits in the face of adversity. Her ability to rally around a person in need and "call in the troops" for support is...

Submitted by Dawn Smith
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Who's Your One?

Luna mi perra me inspira a ser mejor persona por que un dia la saque de paseo y lo lambio a una persona que estaba en el suelo tambie cuando mi vecino se droga afuera de mi casa empiesa a ladrar.

Submitted by jenni
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Who's Your One?

My friend Javier has inspired me to have faith in myself. When I am sad, he makes me laugh he is the one who inspires me to be kind. He gives good advice which does help me calm down. When the time I got in a serious problem he told me don't let any person get you down be you...

Submitted by Alondra Fuentes
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Who's Your One?

Jenni es mi mejor amiga de todo el mundo y de la historia ella fue la que me inspiro ,si me siento triste me dice que que no importa lo que la gente me diga o lo que la gente me haga. Ella es muy amable con la gente.

Submitted by nataneli
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Who's Your One?

My one is my sister Alondra. She inspires me by helping others even if she is tired. She shows me to always work hard and to never give up. She showed me how to read and how to reach my goals. She always says that the best part of working hard is the accomplishments. She always says that if somebody...

Submitted by Roberto
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Who's Your One?

My one is my teacher that makes me a better human being because she helps me in things about reading or when I don't understand something she's always there to help me understand things that I don't know, that's why she's my one.

Submitted by Emily
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Who's Your One?

My one is Ms. Messenger that makes me a better human being because she helps me in things about reading or when I don't understand something she's always there to help me understand things that I don't know, that's why she's my one

Submitted by Emily
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Who's Your One?

The ladies behind Annie’s Kindness Blankets. Delivering a handmade blanket that stands in as a hug to anyone that may need.

Submitted by Barbara Buckley
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Who's Your One?

Someone that has gone above and beyond to show me kindness is my sister, to me she is a ray of sunshine. My sister is always positive and she helps me understand that we all have to be kind and helpful to each other. My sister is my best friend she has always been there when I need her and...

Submitted by Jacquelyn
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Who's Your One?

My one is my mom because she is always there of me and she helps me achive my goals. My mom has my back no matter what even if i'm wrong or in a bad situation but she always helps me fix those bad habits. My mom always tells me to keep dreaming or to wake up and chase my...

Submitted by karina madrid
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Who's Your One?

Friends for 17 years and counting. She has been with me through some major life events... happy and sad. She's my sounding board, and always reminds me that every experience provides us with a lesson and to focus on those lessons to help us grow.

Submitted by Nicole Harris
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Who's Your One?

My cat Harper inspired me to be kind by defending me. When a dog would try to hurt me my cat would come and save me by hitting the dog in the nose . I think if one of my siblings were in trouble m,y cat would save them or some other kids, and now it makes me want to...

Submitted by J'Naya James
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Who's Your One?

My wife Bonnie her smile or her help snow, rain or shine won't stop her from going to visit her family, neighbors, friends, clients especially if you are ill or fund raising she has not slowed down.

Submitted by Thomas Guzman Jr.
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Who's Your One?

My acts of kindness are in honor of the kindest person I know. When the world didn't make sense anymore, her kindness made me talk and made me realise that no matter how bad things seem, you are not alone and that someone cares enough to listen, to make you smile and give you hope that things can get better....

Submitted by smileninjas
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Inspiring Happiness Advocate

David Carrillo is a 10-year-old happiness advocate who believes in inspiring less fortunate children by giving them a once in a lifetime happiness experience through a kiddie party. In his words, "If they have at least one really happy memory to look back to when times get difficult, it will remind them that someone cares and thinks about them and...

Submitted by Joy Carrillo
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Who's Your One?

My precious daughter inspires me to be a kinder, gentler person. My hope is to pass on kindness to her.

Submitted by Rebecca Minks
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