Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story

my uncle inspires me to be a better person because he tell us that all he wants from us is to do better than him.his mom told him so he told us and we´ll tell our children and so on.

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The Man

So yeah, I was just in the city of deadwood with my parents, We were exploring it, (btw this was in south dakota 7 states away from where i live) We wanted to cross the street cuz we saw a steakhaus and it was cold out, like, Icy cold. While in the middle of the street, I slipped on ice...

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Harvey Helpers

After the horrible destruction in Houston after Hurricane Harvey, my family and I drove down and volunteered in three homes. The first home had the entire first floor destroyed. Everything was soaked and moldy;  my two younger brothers and I were tasked with the duty of carrying everything outside to the dump pile. All we had were some gloves, an old...

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Reading for Smiles

Every Thursday since I was in third grade (I'm now in 7th grade), I've gone to the autism classroom to read to the kids. I started to read to them in third grade because my little brother was in the class. I had planned to only do this the year my brother was in the class. But I decided to...

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Getting teached by sis :)

One day my sister told me what is right and what is wrong and how to be a better person she started saying things like how to help out a other person or something else and all that.

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Friends Forever

One day I was biking w/ my friend and I fell in the mud. My friend let me use his shirt to try to wipe the mud off. He got a new shirt. I moved and have never seen him since 2 months after this story. So I guess it's ironic that I said "Friends Forever" but I haven't seen...

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At school a boy was pushed and he dropped his lunch. At my school lunch is free. But you can only get one lunch. Because I bring lunch from home I was still eligible to get lunch. So I got him lunch.

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My inspiration

My dad inspires me because he teaches me that if i want something, then to do anything i can to accomplish it. I saw a random act of kindness when i was at the store and my little sister bought something and this girl came up to my mom and said "I like how you taught your kids how to...

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Missing Toddler

One day, my mom was driving me to my grandma's house. I was very excited to be staying the night with my Grandma that weekend. As we were driving into the neighborhood, my mom spotted something out of the corner of her eye. It was a toddler in the middle of the street! My mom is a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit...

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My parents

When I was a child I liked to get into things and destroy lots of stuff. My parents wanted me to start talking instead of being destructive but that didn't really work for me. One day that my parents told me about was when We were at the park and instead of playing I let all of my friends play...

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Taking a bullet

Well I was watching a video of where a 19 year old heard gun shots and woke up to his mother getting shot by his distant father. And the young man tackle the man and jumped in front of the bullets to save his mothers life. And while shot still called the cops and the father was arrested, and the...

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Random friend of kindness

I once had a good friend in elementary school who was always being kind. He comforted me when in need, he helped out, he answered my questions, and was always beside me. I wish I could still be with that friend, whose name was Austin.

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Helping a friend

So i was in 5th grade at the time and i saw a lonely guy in the corner i decided to talk to him he was new to school and didn't have a friend so i talked to him he said i have no friends so i said, Hey wanna be friends so then he said yes and to this...

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Kindness Superhero

One day at school, towards the end of lunch, our table was called for dismissal. The teacher doesn't let us go until our table is clean. Every piece of trash was picked except for one carton of spilled chocolate milk. No one claimed it as theirs. We all wanted to leave but no one wanted to pick up the trash....

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My Friend

My friend is always says please and thank when getting something or asking to get something. She's always makes sure no one is excluded and would rather do what other people want to make them happy. She's one of the kindest people I know.

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A Story

My story happened a long time ago when I was in third grade. People were mean to mean because I had short hair like a boy so they would make fun of me. So I was sad and then I made a friend she was really nice to me and kind she wasn't really mean at all. She let me...

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my friend decatur

my friend decatur has inspired me in many ways. she makes me happy because she is my best friend and always will be. she supports me when I have to make tough decisions she supports me even though I have to move and she dos not that she inspires many!!!!!

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Kindness is everywhere

My best friend forever and ever who's name is Caleb inspires me to be kind and a better person. When I was in 4th grade me and my friends would help our teacher with the class work after school everyday. But one day a teacher dropped all of her papers so my friend ran over and helped pick up the...

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Random act of kindness

My 'friend Jared, makes and made me want to be a better person. He was always so nice to me and he was always someone I could tell all my problems to (': I was always unhappy so I always seemed like a bad influence because of my mood and things. He was there for me even though I didn't...

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My mom always tips and I think that this is kind. I think of carma when she tips and if I can I will do it to. If I can't tip then I will tip next time. In the end my mom and dad inspire me to be a better person.

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My best friend Mikayla has inspired me to be a better person to the world around me. Before I met her I was popular and really rude. Then I met mikayla and she changed my life for the better. She had told me that other people had feelings too and that I should think about them more. I started doing...

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Helping The Needy

One day I went with my grandma to an activity at our church. There we helped make quilts and hats and filled bags with the essentials like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner and other things. I brought some hats I had made before. I forget exactly where they were being sent but everything we made would all be sent to...

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I helped my mom with cleaning the kitchen.

My mom was stressing over cleaning kitchen because she didn't have time so then I went over and helped her clean it.

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My Friend Cody

my friend cody helped this kid who was at our school who drunk alcohol and he basically turned into a therapist until the kids moved but he did help the kids to stop stress drinking and him and cody became friends after this, im felt proud of cody.

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School is a Wonderful Place to be

My friend Keira inspired me to be a better person because she always is there for me and when I needed help she always helped me in the ways she needed and wanted to. She inspires me to be a better person because she is the kind of person that follows the rules even when nobody is around to see....

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Making jokes with new students

As soon as the new student of my Musical Theater class walked in i asked her a question that made her laugh. "When you have a bowl of cereal do you take your spoon and tap it in the milk?" I asked her. She looked at me confused and a big smile formed on her face. I knew that she...

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one day my family had helped a little girl that was lost to find her family. We did not bring her to the lost children area cause she started to freak out. We looked all around where she was crying and no one was the. We soon found them by the animals and the family was so grateful that we...

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I Tried

My friend was added to a group chat by accident. Then he added me to the chat because he was being bullied. When I saw the messages they sent, I felt bad; they were bullying him because he is gay. I didn't like how he was getting bullied so I told them to stop but they didn't. They were saying...

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The time someone payed for my food

One time someone payed for my food when i was really hungry and by that I mean i was really hungry because i hadnt eaten in about 2-3 hours. They had bought me Chik-Fil-A :). That someone was my mother. I thought that was very kind of her.

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Valentines Day Accident

On Valentines Day, yesterday, one of my best friends crashed off his bike on his way to school. Someone's mother saw him outside of the school, and helped him to the nurse's office along with one of the teachers. He ended up with a broken wrist and sprained ankle. I thanked the teacher after classes ended but I never got...

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