Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Old people being mean

one time i opened the door for some lady at a restaurant. But she didn't say thank you back but so i got mad. Other people need say thank you when you do something kind. or else it makes me not want to do it.

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The Cafeteria

I was in the school cafeteria & i was walking back to my table & a girl had just dropped her milk & I was about to pick it up she had already picked it up. `

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Recently my sister got sick over the weekend and I helped take care of her. I got her water while she was in the bathroom throwing up. I also got her a wet towel for her head when she laid down to rest. My sister is pretty mean to me 99% of the time but I still wanted to help...

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hoos ur 1

people have been nice to me all my life like my parents they always take care of since day one. if it's anything i would put it up to my mother.

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A Rainy Day

Once it was raining outside really hard and I had to pick my little brother up from school. It was Valentines day so all the little kids had Valentines boxes. When my brother and I were walking to the car, I saw my friends little sister waking in the pouring rain so I let her walk with us under the...

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Just keep the pencil, please.

Literally every english class, this kid, we'll call him dameon, asks me for a pencil. I don't usually give him one, my friend does, but a few times I do decide to give him a pencil. It is pretty kind, but he always loses it and makes up excuses. I just want him to keep the pencil that I give...

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whats your one

one time i was in a hospital when i was young and i lost a hulk figure and a doctor gave it back to me .

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Once I was with my friend's family & wanted some food, so we went to in & out burger. As we were going through the drive through line my friend's dad said we are going to pay for the people behind us & the cashier smiled & said "awww that's so kind. Are you sure you want to?" Then the...

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Who's your one

My dad and my mom each day my parents work as hard as they could and when where low on money they still try to make me happy.My brother is a great brother he is kinda mean but that's what brothers are for.

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Today i am going to be kind by giving somebody a compliment. Also I'm not going to talk about anyone badly.

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acts of kindness

one time i was walking my dog and someone was walking next to me they were walking to the mail and once they opened the mail box all the paper fell out and i went to go help them so she said thank you and i said your welcome also i have another one. once i have lot my dog...

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My kind friends

My friends always help me with my work and help me with things I can't do most times. Whenever i'm sad or sick my friends always find a way to cheer me up and that makes me feel happy because they care. My friends also give me a dollar when I sometimes need it to buy something. I always try...

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I save a dog on Januay 4th 2109. The dog name was Apoll.Apoll was cute and funny so i had to take it home. The Apoll didnt want to leave me so i had to call the person to get her. I had to go home and take care of my 4 cats. I love animals because they are cute,funny,and...

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Ice Cream Rescue

I was walking through the park one day and noticed a little girl crying. Her ice cream had fallen off of the cone she was holding. I asked her if she wanted me to buy another one and she nodded yes. I went over to the ice cream shop and bought her another one. That is my random act of kindness.

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an act of kindness

My cousins grandma becky is making a big big bundle of mates and quilts made out of the plastic bags for the homeless. I st gouge there a lot of people of homeless people. I thought that was a random act of kindness.

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The TOY -Seth Reyes

My mom wanted to go to Red Rock during Christmas time and take pictures in front of a huge Christmas tree. We were all finished taking pictures and then we decided to go to this place and eat. the place was packed with people. We finally got a spot to eat and then we were about to leave. there was...

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Whos your one

My mom has always been the nicest person i've known. From the moment I was born to now she has always supported me and has been there for me when I needed her, she is the best mom ever! And she makes the world a better place.

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Kindness on Valentine's Day

I got picked up from school and we went home. When I was at home I put my siblings Valentines bags. Plus I also helped with my baby sister and I set the table.

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Holding the door open

My family had stooped at a gas station in between Nevada and California. I saw a little old lady trying to get through the door, so I held it open for her.

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A Helping Hand

Someone dropped their binder and all their stuff came out then i helped pick everything up and reorganized their binder

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who's your one

I think this person is so nice to me and she was my friend almost half of the year her name is Bailee richards she was like my sister and my other sister is Sierra Herrera they are my best friends until we die.

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My kindness story

one day i was home alone and i did not have anything to do.My mom was picking up my little brother from preschool and and it usually takes 1-1/2 hours to pick him up.and i wanted to do something nice for my mom while she was doing her thing !So i decided to clean my hole house and i did....

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Giving a Helpful Hand

Once upon a time in long lost place called " Nevada", I was only 11 years old when i gave a helping hand. My dad , mom, and I were walking to the post office. I saw alot of elders and people who were coming out. Instead of going inside the post office, I stood and held the door till...

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kindness in the school

I was going to my third class of the day of middle school and saw a teacher that needed help opening the door becouse he was a scooter and i saw a boy open the door for her.

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One time I got a couple drinks at a 7-11 even though that I had a heavy backpack and carried them home and some to my brothers.

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A Simple Way, Making Someone's Day...

One morning I was playing game pigeon with one of my friends, and I was about to lose, but he knew I wanted to win and take a dub. So when he had a chance to win he didn't take it and let me take the dub to make me feel good. :))

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Bicycling Accident

One day, my dad and I were hanging out and talking about my day. As we were talking, we saw a little girl crying with her bike. We see her fairly often, as she likes to ride her bike around the block. So, we walked up to her and asked what happened. She said that she had crashed. She had fallen off...

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Bat Rescue

When I was about 8 years old, my brother, who was 18 then, found an injured baby bat in the middle of the road. He picked it up and tried to help by bringing it inside and trying to feed it. He did his best because he felt bad for the bat. He believed it was probably attacked and had been...

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The girl who randomly acted kind

me and my brother were having fun riding our skateboards having fun and this girl saw she offered if we wanted a longboard technically a long skateboard. We said yes and me and my brother took turns going down the hill on it. i asked myself i really can have this?

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i was in the hallway and i was in a bad mood and my binder fell and all my stuff fell out and then a kind person came over and picked it up with me then told me to have a good day. That made my mood become better.

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