Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Kindness At Home

I see a lot of acts of kindness in my own home. When my mom brings home groceries, I help her bring in the bags. When she asked for a drink, I take her some water. When my aunt asked me if I wanted to go somewhere with her because she didn't want to be alone, I went with her. When...

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Once I helped this girl with her stuff that fell ever where doing so I saw some pictures of shows she liked and artist she's into. Which were the same as mine but even though some weren't I still wanted know what they were about. We bonded over jokes and ended up being very close after that. I always sat...

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Act of Kindness

An act of kindness that i have done is me and my family went to an area where poor people were their and we made a bunch of stuff like we got food and body stuff and we went to a place and we gave it to them.

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Tea sis

I have to be my brothers mom. I have to take care of him and be his mom while my parents aren't home. I have to tell him not to throw knives, not to leave the stove on, to lock the front door. Even though he is 16 years old, I have to be his mom which makes my mom's...

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My Random Act of Kindness

It all starts in school where I bought a lot of tiny little heart pins and then i placed them everywhere so when people found this the would be happy. Also in the same vein I held the door open for a lot of people. Big Yoshi

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Plans to be Kind

I am going to be kind today by helping people finish their work in spanish and not telling people they're not dumb

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My Random Acts of Kindness Story

One day my mom was very tired and had to clean my whole house. So I decided to help her so it could be done faster and she wouldn't have to do it all by herself. My mom was very surprised when I started cleaning. Then we were getting everything done really fast and we were done way faster than...

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Lulu, the Lost Puppy

I found a lost puppy that had a slightly smudged tag on her collar. I could read that the tag said Lulu and figured the puppy must be lost. I walked to my house with Lulu and asked my mom if we could make posters to help find Lulu's owners. My mom was happy to help so we printed posters right away. We...

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One Compliment

I am gonna compliment one more person today because they have a pretty sick jacket. So I will compliment him on his sick jacket.

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My Hero

I was walking down the street with my headphones in blocking out the sounds of the town. I didn't realize it, but a car was headed straight for me! A random man pushed me out of the way of the car and was hit by it himself. He was in the hospital for a week but did, thankfully, make a...

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Shopping Together

One day I saw a kind person helping a woman that was older. He accompanied her to the store just to help her shop. I couldn't see how he was benefitting from it himself in any way! He was simply there to help her. I was surprised at how very generously he gave of his time to help her. 

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Pencil Saver

Everyday I have every single class with this nice girl she is my friend. Her name is Savannah Henderson. She gives me a pencil everyday without me even asking. She always makes sure i'm doing the right thing.

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Hamburgers for the Homeless

One day, my family and I decided to do something nice. We went to a fast food place and ordered 200 hamburgers. After we received them, we took all of them out to feed some homeless people.They were very happy!

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The Internet Inspires

I saw a video where a man gave a homeless person a guitar. It inspired me and encouraged me to want to help the homeless as well. Our family got together to make hot dogs and get them snacks so that they could have a good meal. For almost 3 hours we were out giving to the homeless. I'm glad...

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Feeding the Homeless

One day, my cousin and I went to get pizza for our family. While we were there, we saw a homeless person so we ordered an extra pizza, soda, and bread sticks and gave it all to the homeless man. Another time, when I was with one of my closest friends, we ordered 80 hamburgers and bought a lot of...

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Kindness act

One day my mom was packing for a trip. I helped her pack, she handed me the clothes and I put them in her suitcase. She was very thankful and was happy I helped. She was tired and so I helped her so she wasn't even more tired. I put away a lot of clothes and I helped her pack...

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Money should i?

I was walking when a guys money clip fell out and i gave it back to the guy he was so happy because he could buy a snack.

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My random act of kindness

Today I complimented my friend Alicia Lu , her hair is very curly and i really love it. I also complimented her shoes because they look nice

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one time this girl was at recess in third grade, and when she tripped i helped her up and played with her.

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Random Act Of Kindness

The Thing i did to show Random Acts Of Kindness are helping people with their work if they have a hard time on it .

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my family and I were on the entrance to the freeway and a homeless man was asking for help we had left over fast food and we gave him the leftover food.

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An act of Kindness

One day I have seen a kind person helping a woman that was older. He was there to help her shop and was not getting a prize. He was fine with that he was there just to help. To me that was very generous of him. He was there for a hour just to help. To me and hopefully everyone...

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My random Act of Kindness

I went to my Computer graphics class and I sat next to my friend Jessica Borjas. I complimented her hair because it was down and pretty. I like her shoes.

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best friend

so i was at the dollar store with my best friend and we went to the bathroom and there was a homeless person in the bathroom sleeping we put $10 NEXT TO HER.

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New Girl

In elementary school, I was kind of a jerk. However, midway-through, I had a change of heart. One time there was this new girl. I had heard about like sitting with kids who are new, so I sat with her. We were friends for the rest of the year!

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Bullied No More

One day I received an act of kindness. I was getting bullied when I was younger. The girls would always tease me because I was fat or I dressed like a boy. When one of the girls pushed me, another girl came behind me and asked if I was okay. Then she helped me up. Now today I chat with...

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My older sister is the person who inspired me to be kind

My older sister is the person who inspired me to be kind. She is very humble and weird to where she always makes me laugh. So she had inspired me to have a sense of humor and if the mood is upset I can make it fun and joyful.

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Tag, You're It!

One day, in third grade, my friends were playing tag. There was a girl named Emma sitting in the corner, just watching us play tag. I started to walk in her direction to ask her to play tag with us. While I was walking, a girl came up and started making fun of her. I decided to be brace and...

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Be Respectful

I went on a field trip and i saw this homeless man being treated poor so i gave him some money and talked to him about life. he mentioned that life was hard for him and he couldn't find work and that this money would help him a lot.

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the car ride

yesterday was valentines and it was raining. and i was going to walk in the rain but my mom came. then she told my friend to get in the car . and we were talking and laughing. and that was kindness.

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