Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day I saw a lot of gifts but one person brought a 5 foot teddy bear to school to give to the person they loved. I was really inspired to give more and be less sad that day

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My friend's fall

My friend tripped because the hallway was cluttered so I helped him up and picked up his stuff so I'm nice.

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Who's Your One

Erica was the sweetest girl i have ever meet. She is so nice even if i was having a bad day she would change my whole mood. Ever since like october she would stay by my side. Erica is the type of girl that is no matter what you do she will still stay by your side.

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Disneyland Gift Card

During a visit to Disneyland, I was in a gift store. I really wanted chocolate coins that were for sale. I couldn't get it because I ran out of money on my gift cards. While I was standing there, a girl gave me a gift card! She said she was leaving and didn't want to waste the money. There was just...

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Who's Your One

Erica was the sweetest girl i have ever meet. She is so nice even if i was having a bad day she would change my whole mood. Ever since like october she would stay by my side. Erica is the type of girl that is no matter what you do she will still stay by your side.

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Joy-Filled Pancakes

My mom is a chef that works countless hours to support her family. One day, she didn't feel well and wanted to stay in bed for a while. I have learned a little about cooking by watching my mom. So, on the day she felt ill, I decided to try to make some pancakes for her. It turns out, watching...

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Yesterday I helped a person who was struggling to ope the door whose backpack was stuck open the door

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Who's Your One

My one is my mom because she will always be there for me and always takes care of my sisters and I since day 1 and i'm really happy to be with her and I love her so much.

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Yesterday I helped a person who was struggling to ope the door whose backpack was stuck open the door

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My act of kindness

There was this one day that these kids and they dropped some papers and they did not know that they had dropped some papers and i picked the all up and ran up to the kids and gave them there papers and they said thank you.

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My Kindness Story

I had helped my mom with the dishes and cleaning the house and I help my brother with the dog. I helped an injured cat. I never will hurt anyone or anything

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My 'one' is a person. Her name is Ava. She is the sweetest person who always makes me smile. She's the person I wake up for, she is who I aspire to become. She is kind, funny, beautiful, and everything else anyone could want. She is the best best friend anyone could imagine. She is my 'one'.

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I help people

Yesterday, I was working on my math assignment and my classmate next to me was struggling, so I helped him and he called me a god. I always to try to help people even though they never help me back, which is kind of triggering. There were many times when this kid, he's is so annoying and always asking me...

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Making New Friends

One day, In the third grade, there was a new girl named Angel. No one had been talking to her because she was new. I remember she was crying , so me and my friend Jessica went up to her and asked her if she was ok. She did not reply, so me and my friend decided to sit by...

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The tea about my glasses

I'm kinda blind, if you didn't know. So one day in English I could see perfectly without my glasses because I was close to the board. My friend needed them so I gave them. I'm kind. lmao

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Someone very wise told me something

There's a old and very wise person I know. She told me when she has extra food she gives it to homeless people. It doesn't sound like much but let me tell you what she told me the reason why she does this. She told me she does this because it makes her feel good. I was surprised when I...

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My kindness story

I was walking down the hallway and seen a kid drop his binder. So this girl helped him pick it up and after they were done he gave her a piece of gum. She said thank you and they walked on.

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My Friend

My Friend was really sad about her dog dying so I gave her a hug and some snacks and watched Shrek 2 and she cheered up! She's amazing.

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Kyla is a hard working person and i can trust her to help me and she helps me with my work so it is easy to do because she's a nice person.

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My dad

My dad would always try to make me better and teach me how to do things, i can tell he tries his best to make me and my family the best.

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Sierra is amazing

Sierra always brightens my day everyday when i feel sad she always make me happy.Sierra always makes me happy everyday.

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Sam's Example

When I was moved to a new classroom in fourth grade, I was completely lost. I did not have a clue what I was doing nor what we were learning. Sam, a friend still to this day, took me under his wing and taught me. When I couldn't keep up, he showed me what we were doing and explained everything....

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My life at elementry

My kindness story is about 1st grade. I had a nice teacher that was helping me do some tricky stuff. Next one is 2nd grade I had fun classmates that were nice to me and I have a very nice 2nd-grade teacher and we play appropriate games in my life. Then it is third grade my teacher Mrs.Jivan she is...

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Who's your one

My Parents are very nice to me and my siblings because they are always there for use and my mom does not live with me but is still nice to me and me and my dad get along with each other.

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i always try to help people who aren't feeling well. I tell them all the things that are positive about them

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Cheater Cheater Pumpkin eater

So, when I was in math class we had a test. There was a new student that nobody liked and when I looked at the floor I saw a bright light. Then, I looked and BAM! The new kid was on his phone cheating. I said quietly, "Why are you cheating?" Then He replied, " What are you going to...

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Binder Pick Up Day

I was walking to my 6th period class when a student whom I didn't know was binder checked in the middle of the hallway, I bent down to help them pick up their papers. The teacher saw me and gave me a pass to my next class. Yay.

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My best friend

My best friend is the one that you will love. When I first met her she lit up my world like the sun. Shes there for me when i'm down. Shes my life, I love her, we'll always be friends. She helped me when i was having a hard time at school. That's why I love my best friend.

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Luggage Struggle

My act of kindness story comes from when I was returning home from my visit to my hometown in Sweden. When I was walking out after getting my luggage, I spotted an old woman, struggling with her own luggage. My mother and I ran over and helped carry her luggage to her car. We asked if she needed any more...

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A nice hug

I was having a bad day until my friend came and gave me a hug . He told me that everything was gonna be ok and things were going to get better.

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