Kindness Starts With One®

One smile. One hug. One cup of coffee. One person...

Do you have someone in your life who inspired you to be a better person? Did you witness an act of kindness that left an impression? Share your kindness story with the world.

Tell Us Your Kindness Story
my teachers

My teachers are kind to me because some of them speak to me and tell me that i can do better. My teachers help me get my grades up higher then they can so i can past. My teachers tell me get me act together.

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I dont know what to say about this, and i might have seen this wrong, but i saw someone on the side of a bridge and i saw like 3 people holding them back from jumping. this changed me because i saw that there is still good in the world, besides all the bad things that were happening

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My Brother's Words

My big brother gave me two pieces of advice: "It's not over till it's over," and, "When the game is on the line, be in your prime." Those two phrases taught me to always push through and to not give up. Those words have stayed with me since then. I have always pushed through and never quit. He helped me...

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Helping My Family

With my Dad working all day and my Mom studying to get a certificate, it was hard for them to get the housework done around our house. I decided to sacrifice my free time to help them. I made sure my family had delicious dinners to eat every night and a clean house to come home to while my parents...

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Old Lady Needs Help

One time this old lady was walking out of our local Smith's, and was putting her groceries away. She seems like she needed help, but when I got over there, she was done putting her groceries. I then put away her cart, and it made me feel good.

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Thanksgiving Shared

On Thanksgiving, we had a really big meal. There was a lot of food left over. We really didn't know what to do with so much extra food! We were driving back home from our family gathering and saw a homeless person. What a perfect opportunity!  We decided to give him some of our delicious food. His smile said it...

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My Hero, My Mom

My mom has shown me a lot of love and does so much for our whole family. She works so hard. She is strict on us, but only so we will do something good in life. She wants to see us happy. When we don't do the right thing, she punishes us. She also teaches us to be respectful by...

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Be kind to one another

you should be kind to one another because if you treat them with respect then they will treat you the same way but if you treat them with disrespect then they would not be kind to you so if you want to be treated with respect then you shouldn't bully them or do anything hurtful to them.

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Giving What I Can

One day I was in the car with my mom and we were on our way to the mall. When we were at the stop light, I saw a homeless woman who looked hopeless. I told my mom to roll down the window for me. When she, did I gave the woman $5 out of my bag. It wasn't much,...

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Stranger helps random old lady across the street get up after she falls.

My family and I were going to eat wherever and as we were driving there we saw a random man stop his car and go help an old lady after she had fallen at the crosswalk. He lifted her up and she was thankful.

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The Wonderful Dress

During my second grade year, we were going on a field trip to the Smith Center. We were told to dress nice. There was a girl in our class who was not as fortunate as the rest of us and she didn't have a dress to wear. When we showed up to school that day, we were all dressed in...

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Helping Hand

One day me and my mom went to walgreens to get snacks we pulled up and we saw a man sitting on the wall he looked like he didn't have a lot of money and he looked like he needed food so i said to my mom we should give him some money and my mom said ok we will...

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Who's your one?

My is my crush because he is all was there for me when im in a sad mood hes there and he never ever does something that makes me weird he cares about me

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everyone I meet

everyone I meet is always nice to me which is why I always try to be nice to everyone and make a new friend today. If you give kindness you will be sure to get it in return. :)

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Wings to Go

My mother, brother, and I went out for dinner and my brother ordered chicken wings. Unfortunately, my brother didn't even eat the meal after it finally arrived at our table. We got the order of wings to go and decided to give them to a homeless man. We gave the meal to a man sitting outside Walmart.  He seemed really...

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being kind

my mom has been kind to other people, like last time she gave these random boy some money because they needed it . and one day my mom gave a boy money to get on the bus.

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Noah is my best friend and i do my best to help them. we help each other, were really close and i love them but they don't love me back . i wish they felt the same but they don't have to,.. they got a boyfriend who i don't like but is fine because just want to hangout with them...

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Helping Someone

When I was walking in the hall one day going to my next class and someone in front of me got binder checked. I then went over to them and helped them pick up all of their papers and pencils and markers. They didn't appreciate my help and when they were done they just chased after their friends to get...

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Dress For Success

In December I had a project where I needed to do some good for my community. I decided to fundraise for a charity called Dress for Success.  I had about a month to raise 25 outfits for people who needed to get job interviews. Instead of receiving 25 outfits, I got over 50 sets of dress clothes! The owner was...

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Random Acts of Kindness

My parents inspire me every day. They are kind to me. If I am not kind they tell what I can do better. They help me with a lot of things. They make me a better person. This is why my parents inspire me.

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My Story

My random act of kindness was that i bought my girlfriend a flower that was glass and it had a gold stem and pink petals. So that was my random act of kindness.

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Cleanup in the Hallway

I walked down the school hallway and saw someone accidentally spilling juice all over the floor. The floor was slippery and he was trying to clean it up with the tissue he had. A group of people came in to help as well. I rushed over to the situation and helped him, too. More and more people grabbed some tissue...

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My Inspiration: My Mom

My mom is the one person that inspires me to be kind. My mom is a kind person herself and she wants me to be a good person. Just yesterday she did a random act of kindness for my dad. She wrote kind things on sticky notes and put them in the shape of a heart on his mirror. My...

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who's your one

My one is my big brother. This is because when i need something he helps me and he lets me go to the park with him and his friends when i want to. lastly he is the one that taught me how to ride a dirt bike so that i could ride with him.

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Real Talk

One day my father and I were taking a walk down the street. He began telling me that he does not want me to do bad things or to just follow the crowd always. This conversation really inspired me because of all the things he said can happen if I do follow poor examples. He told me about how much trouble...

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2nd Grade Kindness

In second grade my friends and I were playing tetherball. A kid was being rude to my of my friends saying stuff like, "you suck", and "your stupid." He was saying all this super rude things about her. She told me what he was saying and that it was making her upset. I went over to him and said, "Stop...

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Who's Your One?

The one is my mom because when i am sick she takes me to the hospital when i am sick she missed work for a week to say with me in the hospital.

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Pizza and Tacos

one day I bought pizza and tacos for a homeless man. He was extremely enthusiastic. He hadn't eaten tacos in ten years and pizza in five. He thought they were delicious

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Who's Your One?

My mom and dad because she always takes us places to have fun and feeds us everyday. They let me have my alone time in my room playing video games games. They help me on many things but they both work so they are busy. They pay for school and will always let us do what we what.

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Acts of Kindness

My parents taught me to be kind and respectful to other people he taught me that just because someone is mean to you should still be kind to them. Being kind to one another is a kind thing to do. My friend is always nice to me she is my best friend. My friend was there with me when i...

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