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Kindness through letters

Hello I am Allison and I love spreading kindness to others all around the world How can I be put in the news for a story about how I have over 778 pen pals from different places all over the world and I hand write each letter and I spread kindness to each of them because of how bad this...

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my kindness

I respect my family with kindness like : i tell each of my family members one thing i love about them, we learn something new together, we call our grand-parents every weeks or pick up one piece of trash that is on the streat with gloves. At my old school my friend went trough a hard time so i tried...

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Kindness matters

The world we live in today has been through a lot of things from world wars to epidemics, but one thing which remained constant throughout was resilience and kindness. Moreover, it was the spirit to fight back and help out each other. Kindness must be an essential and universal quality to make the world a better place. Through an essay...

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Tony - A Recipient of Random Acts of Kindness

I have been the recipient of 4 random acts of kindness. Here is each story 1) I had had lunch in Burger King and after I had eaten, I went to my car in the parking lot and discovered I had a flat tire. A guy who was in his car saw that I had a flat tire and he...

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RAKtivist: Bert

Mark Twain said, “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” To me, kindness is important because when I am kind, I feel good and my life has meaning.

Kindness is the ability to enrich the lives of others. It can be expressed though a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand. Sometimes,...

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Making the World Kinder

Mark Twain said, “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” To me, kindness is important because when I am kind, I feel good and my life has meaning.

Kindness is the ability to enrich the lives of others. It can be expressed though a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand. Sometimes,...

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Wake-Up Call

A couple of years ago, I was introduced to a wonderfully great initiative called “Random Act of Kindness Week”. The name speaks for itself; it’s a call to action to show kindness, in some capacity, for 7 days. There is a foundation in Denver that spearheads this directive. Its charge is to take this week to step out of your...

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Who's Your One?

The pastor of the church I attend, Pastor Kissa Vaughn, challenges the congregation - sermon after sermon - to reach and grow beyond our comfort levels with new challenges all the time. This week she challenged all of us to do one random act of kindness for each of the 40 days of Lent. Imagine the impact that would make...

Submitted by Coleen Crouch
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Every Day Kindness

About 7 years ago, my mom broke her hip and had to go to a skilled nursing facility. I visit the facility every day to take care of her after work. Eventually, this time developed into caring for more than just my mom. I now make it a daily act of love and kindness to stop by each room on...

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My Kind Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy International Random Act of Kindness Week!  I've planned to combine the two and, being joined by my helpful nephew Callum, I have all the ingredients for the sweetest Valentine’s Day ever! I’ve been planning this ever since my Random Act of Christmas Kindness. One of my favourite kindness acts so far, I loved choosing what to...

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A Blind Dog

(This story was written to the Random Acts of Kindness Day by one of my pupils, Andrew.) "As for me, kindness is an integral part of our life. It fills our lives with warmth, joy, and other positive feelings. Therefore, we have to be kind to each other and share our kindness stories. I would like to share my story...

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RAKtivist: Surina

On a typical Saturday night, similar to most adolescents, I was browsing through the apps on my phone. Feeling cozy, I nestled myself under the covers of my bed in polka dot fuzzy socks, an over-sized Avengers t-shirt, and pajama pants that were adorned with green and blue stars. Needless to say, I would never face the humiliation of the...

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Encouraging Students in Kindness

My name is Sarah, and I teach the most awesome middle schoolers around!

In addition to teaching language arts, I have the honor of supervising our school’s Kindness Club. The Kindness Club is a student-created organization devoted to spreading messages of love and positivity around our school.

One of my favorite Kindness Club initiatives has been the addition of a daily...

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Someone inspired me

I was at my grandma house and a lot of my family was there so i was downstairs with all of my cousins and we was playing games watching TV and eating and i was just chilling on my phone with my favorite cousin and my cousin was scrolling threw Tiktok and we saw this video of this girl telling...

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About the people who taught me kindness

My name is Illya, I study in the 6th grade. I'm from Poltava, Ukraine. Our school is involved into "Random Acts of Kindness" movement so I decided to tell my story here. Each time when I go to the old couple, which lives near our school, I feel myself happy. I feel like a true volunteer each time I talk...

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RAKtivist: Houston

Kindness is a practice.

About 6 years ago, I was on a plane next to a woman who was relentlessly energetic and fidgety. I was tired and wanted to take a nap. But before I could go into “ignore mode,” she tapped me on the shoulder to introduce herself.

“Hi, my name is Helga!”

We got...

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Meet Houston, Kindness Advocate

About 6 years ago, I was on a plane next to a woman who was relentlessly energetic and fidgety. I was tired and wanted to take a nap. But before I could go into “ignore mode,” she tapped me on the shoulder to introduce herself.

“Hi, my name is Helga!”

We got to talking and eventually it came up that...

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The post-It of kindness

Today I wrote a lot of little post-it and I hidde it on my neighbourhood. On each post- it there is a quotes of kindness .

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40 Random Acts of Kindness

On January 9th I will be celebrating my 40th Birthday. 40 years of life, love & adventures!! #40randomactsofkindness However, this year's birthday is going to be a little different. Instead of receiving gifts, I am going to give gifts. 40 of them to be exact. One for every year of my life. Why am I doing this? Because I truly...

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Teaching and Spreading Kindness

My 'one' is my co-worker Angie Lobato. We teach in a classroom for students with severe behavior and emotional disabilities, and have a constant focus on Kindness. We started last year during Random Acts of Kindness week and really saw the impact it made on our students, ourselves, and the people we were "sharing kindness" with. We wrote a grant to...

Submitted by Amber Bohm
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Sarah’s Snacks

Sarah Chang shows kindness to not only myself but our entire office each and every day. She is one of the most selfless people I know. One specific example is Sarah’s candy bowl. Everyone knows that if you get a mid-day sweet tooth, Sarah will have something for you. Whenever you stop by her desk, she will drop what she...

Submitted by Zach Ambrose
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Standing up for people

At my school, I show the characteristic of kindness by standing up for people. If I notice people bullying each other then I do not just stand there like a bystander and do nothing. I try figure out what is going wrong and try to help and stand up for the bullied person.If thing get to out of hand then...

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Promising Kindness

As all good ideas are born late at night while contemplating life's most difficult questions and coming to new realizations, it's currently 12:55 am. In this moment, you my dear reader are witnessing the beginning of a journey. I'm only a junior in high school and I've noticed an alarming lack of general kindness in school. With a noticeable theme of...

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Starting My Last Year Off Right

This summer I decided to challenge myself. I decided to work on a project all by myself in hopes to spread kindness. With the help of two non-profit kindness organizations, I was able to spend my summer creating 670 goodie bags. Each bag consisted of candy, a pencil, a pack of gum, a motivational quote, and a kindness card. Anonymously, I...

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LARK Ladies Acts of Random Kindness

My high school classmate started a LARK group. The gals meet once a month to donate money and have dinner together. Each month one member takes the donation money and select an act of kindness to donate the money towards. It can be anything, an organization, someone in need, random people, or something or someone on their heart. It is...

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Random Acts of Kindness week at Harmony Science Academy

Our elementary school in Fort Worth, Texas, celebrated RAK week a week early due to scheduling issues. Each day we had a "theme" which was shared on the announcements. Monday was "All Kind Words" Day, Tuesday was "Look People in the Eye and Smile" Day, Wednesday was "Pick up Trash" Day, Thursday was "Share Notes of Kindness with Everyone" Day,...

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Happy Act of Kindness

I do charity with my Mom every year and I felt happy each time people receives my things, cause they can be useful for people who need them.

Read Story "Awesome" app with Kindness Challenges

After my wife Jill died in 2016 from a texting-while-driving accident, I was left to navigate raising our 4 children under 10. Making sure my children grow into beautiful kind hearted adults is my greatest goal. My Children are growing up in a digital Social World and I want to help provide them with the best tools possible, but there...

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The Doll Kind: Inspiring Children to be Kind and Give Back

The Doll Kind (TDK) was founded by two moms on a mission: To empower and inspire a generation of children to create a kinder world, one heart at a time. The mom duo creates huggable dolls with heart tokens to share as a random act of kindness. For every doll sold, another is donated to a child less fortunate.

The company...

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kindness in art

My kindness story is when I was in art class and me and my friend Ashlyn complemented on each others art work because we were using markers so if we messed up it could not be erased but we did not mess up.

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Realizing Small Kindnesses

I never realized how often I was committing random acts of kindness until I found this organization. Now that I'm aware, I commit myself to doing them more often than I ever have before. Here are some examples:

- When I'm out and about doing daily errands, I hold doors open for elderly people coming through those doors. Sometimes I...

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Be Kind. Make a Difference.

My name is Nicole La Ha Zwiercan and, to me, kindness is life changing.

Before getting into why kindness is so important to me, I'd like to first say sadly, I wasn't always this way.

By no means did I go out of my way to be mean to people, but I didn't...

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RAKtivist: Nicole

My name is Nicole La Ha Zwiercan, and to me kindness is life changing.
Before getting into why kindness is so important to me, I'd like to first say sadly, I wasn't always
this way. By no means did I go out of my way to be mean to people, but I didn't go out of...

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Kindness in an ice cream cone

When I was a young child, I rode in the car with my mother on her weekly visits to pick up Mary. The three of us rode to a popular Ice Cream store where Mother would buy a small cone for each of us. Naturally curious, I asked Mother why Mary was always sad, always crying. In her soft voice,...

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He and I met a few years back at a local Starbucks where I've been a regular for many years. Over time we got to know each other and got to be good friends, with him, as I recall, taking the first step in inviting my son and me to a full night of country concerts, free of charge, VIP...

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Haverford High School's No Place For Hate Week of Kindness

Hello! We are Haverford High School's No Place For Hate club and in honor of Random Act of Kindness Day, we created the "Week of Kindness" at our school. Our mission, like the Random Act of Kindness Foundation, was to make kindness the norm. Every day we had volunteers from our club to hand things out to the school, and...

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Teaching Kindness Beautifully

Kate Lapetino is ONEderful!  

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind!” is a motto that represents fourth grade teacher, Kate Lapetino. As her teammates, Laurie Mason (left) and Jessica Anderson (right), we nominate Kate (center) as our "One". Kate is a fantastic, motivated, energetic, kind, teacher at Eugene Field Elementary School in Wheeling, Illinois. She has...

Submitted by Jessica Anderson & Laurie Mason
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Best Birthday Ever

Last year I decided to tell my family that I didn't want or need anything for my birthday, except that they think of a way to share a kindness in their world in my honor. My two adult children and my husband all did something different and wonderful.

During the week of my birthday, my husband, a teaching golf pro,...

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Random Acts of Kindness

To me, random acts of kindness means a lot. Being liked by most of the people in my class means one thing to me, but at least one person saying something nice or funny just lightens my day. This week on a random act of kindness bingo I chose 4 things that would either make me feel loved or cared...

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Mom Turned Kindness Advocate

Veronica Mollica, Cyber Security Recruiter

More than anything else in the world, kindness matters most to me. 

Everything we think, say, and do matters; the choice to be kind, moment-to-moment, affects how we feel.  As a mom, I am always looking for ways to teach my kids the profound power of kind thoughts toward themselves, kind words towards others, and...

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Valentine's to make people happy

Hi! I'm Liza and I study in the 7th grade. I live in Poltava, Ukraine. Our school told us about "RAK" and we had a big kindness decade. And now I'd like to share my story here. More than a week ago we had Valentine's Day at school. And, as always, we gave each other Valentine's. I was very pleased...

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RAKtivist: Lemeeze

I’m Lemeeze Davids, a 20 year old Blogger and Art Student at Stellenbosch University.

I live in South Africa, and we have this Zulu word, “ubuntu”, which is basically all about human kindness. The word “ubuntu” is about seeing yourself in your community and in others. I am, because we are. It’s about smiling at strangers as you pass them, it’s...

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My One is Three: A Trio of Kind Hearts from Nashville

My "One" is actually Three. There are three loving hearts down in Nashville that I’d like to tell you about who practice Random Acts of Kindness year round. In fact, they make it a part of their daily existence. These three hearts are Jamey Garner, Kevin D. Campos, and Phoenix Mendoza. 

You might not think, at first glance, that these...

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Who's Your One?

Someone that has gone above and beyond to show me kindness is my sister, to me she is a ray of sunshine. My sister is always positive and she helps me understand that we all have to be kind and helpful to each other. My sister is my best friend she has always been there when I need her and...

Submitted by Jacquelyn
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RAKtivist: Travis

Hello, my name is Travis, and I am selfish! Yup, as the youngest of four growing up, I was spoiled rotten. If some was good, than more was better. A good friend of mine told me that I suffer from “Not Enoughness!” It’s true!

As an adult I have been better, but I still feel that urge inside...

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One Flower in Her Garden of Kindness

I will never forget the first time I heard about how Carol Miller was spreading kindness in the world... I was at a conference in Santa Fa and she was talking about how she gives Free Hugs downtown Chicago.... I knew in that moment that I needed to get involved. You see, I had been offering free listening and I...

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RAKtivist: Marceen

My name is Marceen Farsakian. As a first grade teacher, I try to center myself around kind, caring people. Teaching young children is my happy place. During my thirty years of teaching it has always been my belief to teach the whole child. To me, meeting the social and emotional needs of a child is just as important, if not...

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My Coworker's Selflessness

A recent time I have experienced someone else demonstrating a random act of kindness was in my workplace. One time a customer came up to me and was asking for the manager of my department. She knew my manager’s name, so I suspected they must have known each other outside of the store or they really connected the last time...

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Starting with One

My best friend, Morgan, is one person who inspires me to be better. She NEVER GIVES UP and perseveres through anything. Morgan is also a true friend who would do anything for people she cares about (and even people she does not). Lastly, she goes out of her way to demonstrate kindness. That is only part of why she inspires...

Submitted by Cameron
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I don't really have anyone like that, but I am to my friends. We don't go to the same middle schools, but we went to the same elementary. To them I'm like a therapist and also good to talk to. We all miss each other, but we hang out sometimes. When they have a problem at school, they come to...

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The kindness cookie

Once upon a time, there was a young girl called Jennifer. She was a very kind and caring little girl. But one day, she decided to take it to another level. She backed a bunch of cookies for the old people in the residence and made them each there own different card. And, she even sang them a song. After...

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BE present

One time during a regular day at the (home)office, I called a colleague in my department which I do not know quiet well. The purpose of the call was for him to confirm any project details, we ended up talking about an hour mainly on the struggles of life and work. Like most conversations, people ask each other how they...

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Meet Madison: Founder of Peach's Neet Feet

My name is Madison Peach Steiner. I am the founder of Peach's Neet Feet and, after almost five years of running a non-profit based on the platform of kindness and the science of caring, I see the world through a lens of compassion. I believe one act of kindness can be the foundation for great change in the world. 


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RAKtivist: Madison

My name is Madison Peach Steiner, I am the founder of Peach's Neet Feet, and after almost five years of running a non-profit based on the platform of kindness and the science of caring, I see the world through a lens of compassion. I believe one act of kindness can be the foundation for great change in the world. 

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Bread for the Journey

In the heart of Cape Town, a story of compassion unfolds as local entrepreneur Alex Jiménez launches "Bread for the Journey," an initiative aimed at aiding the city's homeless. Every morning, before the hustle of the day begins, Alex and a team of volunteers fan out across the city with baskets full of freshly made sandwiches. But these are no...

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Partnering Through Highs and Lows

Many years ago, my mom was on a committee for our church to bring in the next minister. The committee brought in the McGormley family. Years later I ended up marrying their son, Joel. I thank my mom every day for being on that committee. I think God had something to do with it too! Joel is my one. When...

Submitted by Kate McGormley
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Feeding homeless in Seattle

Hi everyone, There is nothing like the joy of giving. And who deserves act of kindness than the ones more misfortune than us? I am planning to start a new tradition - picking up 20-30 buns (with meat, veggies, and custard) from international district on Saturday at 3pm, and to have a nice walk to Westlake area and give away...

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Some Good News and an Act of Kindness for the NHS :)

Dear Random Acts of Kindness Team, I hope you and your family are well and coping through this pretty testing time. I wanted to just drop you a note about an act of kindness that my wife and her company are doing to give back to the NHS staff who are putting their lives on the line daily for us....

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Learning to Leave My Mark

My one is my wife, Lisa. She is the most compassionate person I know. She has helped me to center my existence and realize the role we all play in things like Random Acts of Kindness. I was always too wrapped up in my own issues, my own life, and my own troubles. Lisa helped me to realize that letting...

Submitted by Steve
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My mum

This is a simple story of learning to be kind. There were no gramd gestures, no paying for someone else's groceries or a ticket for the bus - we were barely getting by ourselves. But my mother taught me every day in simple ways that everyone deserves respect, empathy and kindness. Regardless of race, or class, or gender, or sexual...

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The Jared Box Project - A “Give Local” community service effort on a mission to bring smiles and joy to children in hospitals across the US since 2001

Good afternoon, What’s scarier than a child that is sick or injured and needs to go to the Emergency Room or be admitted to the hospital? Probably not much, other than the terrified look on the face of their parents. What could help alleviate some of that stress and concern? Something that could bring a smile to their face and...

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Constructive Criticism leads to Harmony

While some may thrive off of constructive criticism, I do not. Having someone tell you what you need to be working on is never easy to hear, even if you know it's coming from a place of love. So when my sweet boyfriend offered me some, I was initially hesitant and standoffish. I was quick to frustration and wanted to...

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the kindness

what is to be nice?A lot of people are selfish and they did'nt take care about the other people.the proof is then a lot of kids has cancer and only they're parent care about this. it look like other people dont care about that.if i write all of this, it for tell everyonne then we need to take care of...

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Public park

When I walk in a public park in the city on a good-weather-day, I am stunned by how many lonely people I encounter, walking alone or sitting alone on benches. Last week, during a walk in a park in a foreign city, I got the following idea: We would have color coded benches near the entrance of a park or...

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RAKtivist: Zoe

My name is Zoe, and I'm a student. Inside the high school, everyone is trying to prepare us for adulthood. I constantly feel the stress to quit being a child and grow up, yet when I look around, I see childhood nastiness all around. People swear and insult others to try to act cool, while others are bullied because of someone...

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Kindness is Kinda cool

Hello everyone, Hope you are doing good ! I would like to share an exciting news with our RAKtivist community about my book "Kindness is kinda cool". About the book: "What do you think about kindness? What is it to be kind? Does it have to involve donations? I believe kindness is as simple as planting a tree or saying...

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Scottie's Legacy

Harold Scott, or Scottie as many of us know him, is a one-of-a-kind person. He often thinks of how he can help others. He is always upbeat, has a sunny disposition with a killer smile, and a caring kind nature. Scottie lives in Lebanon, Tennessee, just east of Nashville, but grew up in a tiny, rural county about 65 miles further to the...

Submitted by I want to remain anonymous
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From 20 April to 24 April acts of kindness - Raphael

On April 20 I called my cousin the two of us were bored. So we talked. We wondered what he did during his day. If their new trampoline was cool. What they had eaten. If his brother is fine. Because my cousin likes to play with his friends, play sports, but stay at home boredom. So calling it feels good...

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Proud Mom Moment

My son turned 20 on February 10. In order to get some time with him on his special day, I arranged to meet him for breakfast. We met at a nearby Perkins, had a nice meal, genuine conversation, and then it was time for us to each head our separate directions. We were walking side-by-side on our way back to...

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Random act of kindness [Netball]

I was playing an intense game of netball for my school we had lost all of our games and towards the end, the best team on the day was up for competition. We got on our positions until my number fell off, she proceeded to tell me but one of her teammates came over before I could even ask and...

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My sister is kind

My sister is one of the most rarest person I know since she is so kind, believes in true love, always has hope, stays so positive and never gives up. I have seen her do so many acts of kindness to others around her where ever we go. As there is no such thing as a small act of kindness...

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My daughter (5) and I went around our community lake and participated in a chalk-your-walk challenge. I wrote messages of hope, encouragement, and love while she drew pictures of flowers, hearts, and cat/unicorn-cat heads. We chalked up random spots around the lake path, which is a .8-mile loop. We worked all day with our art and was pleasantly surprised...

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A stranger at the airport – and a small, stunning act of kindness

What's the nicest thing an absolute stranger has done for you or to you?" The older I get, the more I realize how necessary and appreciated the “kindness of strangers” is. This was made abundantly clear to me on my recent trip to Taupo I had booked the flights in somewhat of a hurry with just a carry on bag...

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My mon is the person who inspires me to be a better person. She is one of the kindness women that I know. She always thinks about others and sometimes even end up forgetting about herself. I had a friend that passed through a lot at school, she was always crying over something and even tho I'm not good with...

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Kindness At The Movie Theater

One time I was at the movie theater and my movie was about to start. Right before my movie started i told my dad the I was hungry and me and my dad gave me money to go back to buy something. After that I went down to get some churros and when I gave the man that was working...

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Two Millennials Create Kindness Experiment

Realizing that we're two self-centered millennials, often focused on what’s ahead instead of what’s around us, we created a series of 12 steps as a way to become kinder, more empathetic people.

Based on 12-step programs designed to change behaviors, we took a vow to complete this 12-month resolution last January, one step per month. We’ve also...

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RAKtivist: Jessica & Tim

Realizing that we're two self-centered millennials, often focused on what’s ahead instead of what’s around us, we created a series of 12 steps as a way to become kinder, more empathetic people. Based on 12-step programs designed to change behaviors, we took a vow to complete this 12-month resolution last January, one step per month. We’ve also designed the...

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A Heart for Haiti

It is never too late to change the world! During our lives, we cross paths with various individuals. Some linger in our minds, prompting questions that need answers and the need to hear their story tugs at our heartstrings, not allowing us to disengage. I have one of those stories crying out to be told. One that will not let me rest...

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A gift

My dad was the kindest person. He loved to craft and started making Victorian dolls as a hobby. Each one took hours and he painstakingly curled ringlets around scewers and hand wove raffia hats. One time a friend of our family was in the last weeks of her cancer treatment. We heard she had lost her eyesight through the treatment....

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The Jared Box Project

The Jared Box Project is on a mission to bring smiles and joy to children in hospitals. Please consider sharing our compelling story with your audience. One little kindergartener named Jared sparked a wave of kindness that spread across the country. Jared’s inspiration has lifted the spirits of over 980,000 children in hospitals in all 50 states. His story has...

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Mailbox Kindness

In the early days of the pandemic I was scrolling Facebook and came across a friend's post. You know the one, where they say comment below and I will send the first 10 people a random gift at some point this year? Yeah, it rarely happens, but I decided to post the same message on my feed and promised myself...

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An Inspiring Story of Kindness

Two boys walked down a road that led through a field. The younger of the two noticed a man toiling in the fields of his farm, his good clothes stacked neatly off to the side.
The boy looked at his older friend and said, “Let’s hide his shoes so when he comes from the field, he won’t be able to...

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For a Face Full of Sunshine

All I was doing that day was selling pastries. College was overwhelming, I missed my family, and I was selling pastries. A couple walked in with smiles and I noticed. I noticed how tightly she held his arm. I imagined each wrinkle on their face as a memory; there were hundreds of beautiful memories. He held her hand and she...

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C is for "cat" and K is for "kindness"

Hi! My name is Vlada, I'm from Poltava, Ukraine. I am n the 7th grade. My kind deed started on February 16th when in the morning my cat brought a kitten to our house. The kitten wasn't hers and it did not want to be with her and ran to the trash. I followed him and saw his mother licking...

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Breakfast for Dad

My mother and father have been married for 66 yrs. My mother is now in a nursing home with late stage Alzheimer's disease. My devoted heartbroken 87 year old father visits her everyday day and sometimes twice a day. He is also a creature of habit and goes out to breakfast four times a week at four different restaurants. He...

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The Kind Blog Posts

Found 54 blog posts

Donate to your ‘Little Free Library’

This time of year can become quite isolating as the seasons change. Many people struggle with shorter and colder days as we transition into Autumn. However, a good book can change everything!

September 25, 2023  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
The Power of Kindness: Creating Positive ROI in Workplaces

In today's fast-paced and competitive work environments, we often prioritize productivity, efficiency, and profit margins above all else. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of corporate life, we may overlook a powerful...

July 25, 2023  |  1 comment  |  5 likes
World Storytelling Day: How Random Acts of Kindness Can Create Lasting Change

As part of World Storytelling Day, we’d like to share a personal story of Brooke Jones, our Vice President here at the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.

March 20, 2023  |  4 comments  |  3 likes
Change the World With Kindness

Have you ever had one of those days when the whole world seems upside down and off-kilter?

February 7, 2023  |  0 comments  |  3 likes
7 Fun and Unique Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness at School

Random Acts of Kindness week is less than a week away. Here are 7 fun and unique ways for students and teachers to spread kindness in their schools and communities.

February 7, 2023  |  0 comments  |  4 likes
Benefits of Being Kind

Did you know there are scientific benefits of being kind? It’s true. There is a TON of research that proves that kindness matters

January 24, 2023  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
Three Facts About the Importance of Humor

Have you ever taken one of those personality assessments? Or a values assessment?

January 9, 2023  |  0 comments  |  3 likes
5 Self-Care Tips for Educators

As we roll out the beginning of this school year, we wanted to remind you how important it is to take care of yourself.

August 19, 2021  |  0 comments  |  14 likes
Tips to Help Couples Bring More Positivity to Their Communities

Developing more kindness is rewarding for couples. And not only will they make an impact on their community, but they may also become more compassionate with each other.

July 14, 2020  |  0 comments  |  11 likes
8 Ways to Create an Amazing Onboarding Experience Your New Hires Won't Ever Forget

Starting a new job or bringing in new employees is always exciting. You can give your new hires the best onboarding experience possible, while fostering a culture of kindness with a few...

October 11, 2019  |  1 comment  |  39 likes
Being useful might just be the best way to be kind to ourselves

This blog is about the best way we can be kind to ourselves.  And, in my opinion, the best way to do that is to be useful.

October 2, 2019  |  3 comments  |  123 likes
Caring for Cancer Patients

In a world where insults and criticism seem only a tweet away, compassion is more important than ever, and there is research to prove it works.

May 6, 2019  |  2 comments  |  86 likes
SEL Works!

While I tend to be a ‘behind the scenes’ kind of guy, I felt the need to say a few words about our revised social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum, Kindness in the Classroom®.

April 30, 2019  |  4 comments  |  31 likes
Showing Kindness? There's an App For That!

Mobile phones and the Internet are at our fingertips these days, allowing us to easily engage with loved ones and giving us a way to spread kindness to those beyond our friend...

January 8, 2019  |  2 comments  |  41 likes
Cultivating Kindness in an Unkind World

This fall, gun violence created waves of panic and helplessness in my school district, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, when a freshman at Butler High School shot and killed a classmate in the hallway over a personal conflict.

November 26, 2018  |  5 comments  |  35 likes
Choose Kindness in Disagreement

There was a moment on my journey when I felt and thought and chose very differently than those around me. Those feelings and thoughts and choices were far outside of the earlier...

November 7, 2018  |  2 comments  |  45 likes
Parent/Child Time: Acts of Kindness That Can Go a Long Way

Ever heard the quote 'You are who you spend time with'? This is especially true for kids.

May 29, 2018  |  1 comment  |  23 likes
The Big “OK” in RAOK

Normally, I write about living with diabetes; today I just want to talk about living.

March 28, 2018  |  0 comments  |  7 likes
Making Friends in Unexpected Places

If I had to describe Morocco in one word, that word would be "hectic".

July 17, 2017  |  1 comment  |  7 likes
Sound of Music Strudel

The hills are alive—and so are random acts of kindness!

July 10, 2017  |  1 comment  |  0 likes
One Last "Family Dinner"

Free food is everything when you're traveling on a budget. It's difficult enough to find cheap transportation and lodging, but to have self control when it comes to food and souvenirs can...

July 10, 2017  |  1 comment  |  3 likes
Kindness Reads for Kids

Stories play a pivotal role in a child's growth and development... therefore if they read about the powers of kindness, they just may want to try it out! Here's a handful of...

March 30, 2017  |  5 comments  |  29 likes
50 Kindness Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Day

Want to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day today? Here are 50 fun ideas to do anywhere.

February 16, 2017  |  17 comments  |  58 likes
RAK Week Update: Valentines Day

So much love is in the air - happy day 3 of RAK Week 2017!

February 14, 2017  |  2 comments  |  2 likes
Your Daily #RAKWeek2017 Challenges

It's official! #RAKWeek2017 has begun! Here are seven kindness challenges you can do each day of the week!

February 11, 2017  |  2 comments  |  15 likes
13 Free Ways to Create Kindness in Schools

Don't expect kindness in schools... teach it. Here are 13 fun and free ways to focus on the good this year:

December 1, 2016  |  9 comments  |  33 likes
10 Kindness Week Ideas for Schools

Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is Feb 14-20, 2016. Here are 10 fun ways other teachers have spread kindness in their schools during RAK Week.

January 5, 2016  |  3 comments  |  23 likes
Our Favorite 2015 Kindness Moments

Take a look at some of our favorite kindness moments of 2015.

December 29, 2015  |  1 comment  |  1 like
16 Ways to Start 2016 with Kindness

It's a New Year—Make a resolution to exercise your Kindness Muscle in 2016!

December 29, 2015  |  1 comment  |  6 likes
What did you do this week?

It all appeared to be quite perfect for my happy, successful family. Two great careers, 3 healthy kids, nice cars, big house and all the pretty stuff to put in that big...

October 26, 2015  |  2 comments  |  0 likes
7 Ways to Save the World From Your Couch

On November 13th the entire world will be celebrating World Kindness Day. Oh, you didn’t know about it? Well, now you do, so you have no choice but to join the party....

October 20, 2015  |  1 comment  |  15 likes
10 Unique Back to School Kindness Ideas

August 5, 2015  |  0 comments  |  4 likes
50 Ways to Pay it Forward

March 27, 2015  |  5 comments  |  15 likes
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb 9-15

#RAKWeek2015: Let’s Flood Social Media with Kindness

January 29, 2015  |  0 comments  |  1 like
15 Ways to Start 2015 with Kindness

It's a New Year—Make a resolution to exercise your Kindness Muscle in 2015!

December 22, 2014  |  0 comments  |  0 likes
World Changers: Houston Kraft & Choose Love

October 24, 2014  |  0 comments  |  0 likes
World Changer: Kindness Acts App

October 13, 2014  |  1 comment  |  3 likes
World Changer: Go Shout Love

October 6, 2014  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
3 Ways to Show Respect When Traveling

July 25, 2014  |  0 comments  |  3 likes
Be A Kindness Rockstar!

June 20, 2014  |  0 comments  |  4 likes
5 Ways To Help A Stranger

June 19, 2014  |  2 comments  |  4 likes
May 21st Each Year is National Waiters and Waitresses Day

May 21, 2014  |  0 comments  |  1 like
Contagious Kindness!

May 13, 2014  |  0 comments  |  0 likes
The Kindness of Mothers

May 6, 2014  |  1 comment  |  2 likes
Showering Teachers with Kindness

May 3, 2014  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
A Handful of Kindness Could Make a Difference in Our Planet

April 22, 2014  |  0 comments  |  1 like
If The Shoe Fits

Learn how one pair of running shoes unites a global community.

April 21, 2014  |  0 comments  |  1 like
5 Ways To Show Kindness To Animals

April 19, 2014  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
Spread the Word: Be Kind to Your Roadways

Earth Day ( is April 22 but the Earth needs care and love everyday. One simple but extremely effective way to make a change is to pledge not to throw garbage out...

April 13, 2014  |  0 comments  |  2 likes
Be Kind-Able

Sometimes the word 'responsibility' sounds like a drag. So instead, think of yourself as 'Kind-Able.'

April 5, 2014  |  1 comment  |  4 likes
New Year’s Resolutions - Persevering with Kindness

Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year and find it hard to persevere? Do you beat yourself up when you fail? This year I have a few resolutions. At the top...

December 21, 2013  |  0 comments  |  1 like
10 Fun Ways to Celebrate World Kindness Day

November 13, 2013 is World Kindness Day. Celebrate with these fun and easy ideas!

November 13, 2013  |  0 comments  |  5 likes
Rachel's Rally

On May 5th, 2011 over 2500 students from two dozen schools took part in 'Rachel's Rally' in north Texas.

July 1, 2013  |  0 comments  |  0 likes
A 'Kindness Day' Off

During his 'kindness day' Paul placed thank you notes for his neighbors on their doorsteps and left piles of change at payphones for others to use.

April 1, 2013  |  1 comment  |  4 likes
Kindness Videos

Found 1 video


When Claire Lemmel saw that people in her San Francisco neighborhood weren't connecting as they walked by each other on the streets, she decided to put kindness in action ... and her smile on a giant poster! Her kindness and smile are now inspiring hundreds of people on her daily walks.

January 20, 2016  |  4 comments  |  51 likes
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